The Wyze app downloads to my Mac Book but when I try to opening, While the app is trying to start and before I see any Wyze screens, I get an error message from the MacBook saying the Wyze app closed suddenly. I have uninstalled and reinstalled with the same error.
Is your MacBook Silicone or Intel? Wyze app as well any iPad apps will only work on Silicone chip Macs. Works fine on my M2 MacMini.
I am using a MacBook Pro 13, M2,
MacOS 14.6.1.
Hmmm, now that I remember I had the same issue some time ago. Can’t remember if I did something or it got fixed on its own.
How about booting in recovery mode and running Disk Utility to fix any issues with the boot drive?
I ran Disk Utility in Recovery mode and reloaded the app but no change, still not opening. I only have issues with the Wyze App.
Do you have an external drive? If you do, try and copy it to it and run it from there. I run all my apps of a thunderbolt external drive so I don’t clutter my start up drive. Also it makes it easier If I need to reload the OS for some reason.
Thanks but I am not interested in doing things like that to get an app to work. Just not worth the effort. things should work as designed.
Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, this one is not on Wyze, it’s on Apple. The app is not designed to work on Mac OSX. Apple is trying to converge both OSs for a seamless experience and it’s doing pretty good job so far. Bugs like this are to be expected.