Wyze App 3.0.5.x


How do you add links to previous posts? You use it effectively and I would like to do it as well.

Thanks in advance to you (or anyone) for pointing me in the right direction. :+1:t4:

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You can expand this section if you want to read what I do.

I try to tie ideas together and use the power of the Web (hyperlinks) and Markdown (the markup language that the Forum’s Discourse platform seems to default to) to make relevant connections to other bits of information if I think they’ll support or shed light on what I’m trying to communicate in the moment.

This is what I often do while composing a post:

  1. Type what I want to say.
  2. Navigate to a post or topic that I want to link to and copy that link (i.e., put it in the clipboard). Sometimes I open a new browser tab for this, and sometimes I just navigate in the same tab because Discourse automatically saves drafts and maintains the composer even when navigating to other topics.
    • If it’s a particular post in a topic that I want to link to, then I usually click the post date (upper-right corner of the post) and then hit the copy icon in the pop-up.
    • If it’s an actual topic (because I want to direct someone to the first post at the top of a topic), then I will either do the same thing with that topic’s original post or hit the :link: Share button after the topic’s last post.
  3. To create the actual link, sometimes I use Markdown or HTML, but usually I just select the text that I want to be the “anchor” and then paste the link I have in the clipboard. I discovered this method by happy accident, but Discourse has been designed to be smart enough not to just replace the selected text with what I have in the clipboard but to retain it and add the necessary Markdown to turn it into a hyperlink.

And sometimes I just use a Onebox, like for this topic I read recently (which won’t actually show up as a Onebox here because it’s inside a “details” section in this post as I write it):

Creating rich link previews with Onebox - Using Discourse - Discourse Meta

That article explains more about hyperlinking and mentions the select-and-paste thing.[1]

I hope this helps! Feel free to send a message if you have any questions.

Back on topic, part of my goal for today is to update my v3.0.0 phone to v3.0.5 and re-test the “Cameras as Chime” feature to see if it still gives the “Fail” message as well as the problems with “Empty” groups that I mentioned in the v3.0 announcement topic.

  1. Discourse has spoiled me with this feature, and I find my fingers wanting to do the same thing when composing messages in Gmail, but it frustratingly does not work there! ↩︎


For interactive learning about using Discourse, start a new Private Message and type @discobot start tutorial, or @discobot start advanced tutorial. If you prefer a more traditional user guide, please refer to this article provided by the forum software vendor:

Of particular note:


Been on 3.0.5 for a couple of days. Cameras as Chimes still gives a blink but says “fail”.

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Boo for that. Thanks for testing and reporting back! I haven’t yet gotten there.

This one is a nothing burger for me. But if it’s helping others, I’m all for it. :slight_smile:


Since I finally got around to installing v3.0.5.558 and testing some issues I’ve been dealing with, it’s probably appropriate to report follow-up on those issues here.

The issues with “empty” Device Groups that I mentioned in the v3.0 announcement topic are a bit of a mixed bag. I have been unable to recreate the experience of deleting the last item from a Device Group (thus leaving an empty Group), backing out of the empty Group, and seeing the Devices list in disarray. I don’t know why this happened to me once before, but since I haven’t been able to reproduce the outcome, it seems like a one-time glitch that I can’t explain.

Even with this latest production version of the app, I am able to see a Group labeled as “Empty” even when I have just added an item to what was previously an empty Device Group. It doesn’t matter if the Group is “new” (created in the v3.0 app) or “old” (created in the v2.5x app prior to v3.0 app availability); the experience is the same. I have noticed in my testing that it’s not necessary to actually close the Wyze app in order to restore the correct Group status labels. At one point, I let my screen time-out/lock, and when I unlocked my phone, the “Empty” and “Off” labels were correct. At other times, I tap to the Favorites tab and then back to Devices and see a label switch from “Empty” to “Off” as I’m watching (I have seen this happen with both old and new Groups, and this is reproducible). There may be some kind of time/lag/status-refresh issue involved, which doesn’t seem abnormal and is likely the expected behavior, so this may not actually be a bug.

As @ronl4625 reported, I can confirm that the “Cameras as Chime” feature continues to be hosed and unusable in the v3.0 app.

Given that Wyze seemed to make a big deal about “Rules” now being called “Automations” in their marketing e-mail messages, on their Web site, and in a relevant Help Center article, why do the Android widgets in the new app still show options for “Rule 3 × 3”, “Rule 5 × 2”, and “Rule 5 × 5”?

I don’t yet see any significant improvements with the v3.0.5.x update (vs v3.0.0.x), but I’ll continue to compare it to the v2.5x app that I’m still keeping on my main phone (for now) and hope that some of these newer/lingering issues are addressed in a timely fashion (whatever that means).

:pencil2: Edit: The sloppy clean-up with PiP appears to continue to be an issue with this production update.


I wasn’t sure where or if to post this exactly, I’m on 3.0.5 (558). Or if it’s already widely used.

I saw a post and can’t give proper credit.
I’m using a Samsung S23 Ultra. YMMV with other Android brands.

  1. A person asked if they could open the Wyze app to the Devices page. If using a Samsung of a modern variety, yes I found out you can.

Samsung has modes and routines, and if you also have Samsung Goodlock loaded, in there in routines+ you can create a touch macro and add a widget button to the home screen, follows your macro. 1 tap goes ro the Devices page.

  1. I also saw a tip from a poster and tried it as well. To his credit. That’s using widgets. With Samsungs, widgets are stackable also.

Many people have been complaining about events not having pictures anymore for example. So if you create a widget and select the events widget, in my Samsung at least, pics are there. There’s several Wyze widgets available,

Again with Samsung, in Goodlock theres a One Hand Operation & custom swipe bars along the sides of rhe home screen. If I add 2 widgets, events and cameras, one swipe assigned on the left side pops that up. Pic below.

Or you can create new extra pages to the home screen, and add widgets full page there and also swipe to them as desired, and stack in Samsung.

And of course the widgets are scrollable.

Maybe its already posted somewhere, if so, here it is again. I think I’m going to customize my home screen and use it for cameras widgets, I have an apps screen button to pop those up. It seems handy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: if this is old news, I apologize in advance.

Other apps may also help with phone automations, Tasker, Macrodroid, Automate, etc.


Thanks. More complicated than I realized. I don’t use Discourse. Really appreciate the detailed response, tho. :+1:t4:


You just did!

The system itself is complex, and that’s what makes it powerful, but using it is actually pretty easy.


Really love Goodlock. Have you tried Samsung Dex to use the Wyze app? Works very good on my S21 and S24.

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I have tried it in the past, but don’t really use it regularly.

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Ha! :rofl:
You learn something new everyday! :thinking:


Welp…another update tonight. Went from 3.0.5 (558) to 3.1.0 (b650).

  • Favorites tab feels like it’s TRYING to load live views faster, but it’s not. Each cam goes to a black background first as I scroll. Then loads live view. Feels…schizophrenic

  • The battery level indicators for my outdoor cams are missing the percentage again. Really need those so I don’t have to keep opening each camera to see what the actual percentage is.




Gimme back 3.0.5 (558). It was SOLID!

Isn’t that the Release Candidate version? I would expect to see only people who have opted into beta testing to receive that. Google Play Store still shows me v3.0.5.558 as the latest available production version. :man_shrugging:

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It is. jh006 claimed they opted into beta about 4-5 days ago. Perhaps they forgot. IDK, but this is the wrong topic to be posting 3.1.0 (b560) issues.

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Ah, yeah. :point_down:

Thanks for the reminder. :+1:

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This release deleted the waypoints on my pan V3s.

I just checked, and mine are still present. I have pending firmware updates for those, though I don’t think that’s related. I still see all of my Cam Pan v3 waypoints.

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