Wyze App 2.24 Beta Test; Wyze Robot Vacuum Firmware Beta Test 8/18/2021

@WyzeHongfei @Yichen

Weird issue this morning with the Vacuum. On Saturday I have it set to do normal cleaning. During this clean, it got hung up on the Coffee Table Leg, here is the image of what it got hung up on - it is a little piece of metal angled outward:

I then went to the Vacuum and freed it from the little piece of metal hanging down and clicked resume / continue in the app. The Vacuum did its normal spin to orient itself and then took off and started to clean the next room before completing the one it was in. Here is an image so you can see where it came from, red circle is where it got stuck and then you can see it went and started to clean the Family Room, leaving the Living Room incomplete.

I submitted a log of this: #288850
Vacuum Firmware: 1.6.173

I am trying out the spot cleaning feature (very happy to see it) and trying to understand why it sometimes tells me “There is no available area for spot cleaning.”, as seen in the first image.

Meanwhile, if I move the box - without resizing it - to touch a wall, it works. So I thought maybe the box needs to touch a wall to help the vac to locate the cleaning spot - but I am able to select a spot clean area in t

he middle of another room and it works fine.

Can anyone share what the criteria is for defining a spot clean area?

I have found and others have reported that you cannot mark an area which did not encapsulate and object.

For example, I tried to do a spot clean in an open area as you are and it was a no go as you see. But I circled my island and made it big enough to ensue there was space for the Vacuum and it was ok.

To see what I am saying, drag your box and drag it over an item - I marked your image with yellow areas. When you do that, you will see the message disappear. Wyze is aware of this, hopefully it will be fixed or enhanced.

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Thanks, I did notice that the message went away if I included a wall, for example.

Your reply also helps me realize that there is no harm in including objects in the spot clean area. For some reason, I was trying to avoid them.

Spot clean works fine for me.

Robot vaccuum mapping seems improved, but cleaning regressed.

  1. The bot has cleaned in loops around furniture for 15 minutes before moving on. Never experienced that with current firmware. 294273

  2. It has prematurely decided cleaning was finished, once even before perimeter cleaning ccompleted. Might have only happened when it got stuck during the clean. 294276 294281

Other than that the spot cleaning feature works well and the update was fine.

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I’ve been able to test and enjoy spot cleaning and the new algorithm. But I’ve yet to receive the skill email or the ability to use Alexa and assistant integrations. Has anyone else had this problem?

I have two vacuums. The first updated to the newest firmware without any issues… the 2nd never prompts to be updated. Both say “up to date” when I go to the Firmware Update screen even though one is on 1.6.173 and the other is on 1.6.126

Any ideas? I’ve tried jumping out and back into the beta program, reboots, etc. No dice.

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FW 1.6.173 was paused due to issues they had, looks like you managed to update one without issue before it was paused.


still rip?

I’m on 1.6.173 with no issues except unfinished runs aborting a couple of times, but still no further Alexa integration other than start/stop whole area…no specific rooms. Spot cleaning works well. And multi levels! Has anyone else had any updates and or issues? Hope this is still in the works for a sooner rather than later update.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I think the majority of us haven’t been able to try it because they pulled the firmware right away. I still haven’t been able to update past 1.6.126

I assume they are being extra careful with the next update. They don’t want to brick any more vacuums.

Those of us who upgraded successfully get to use a few of the new features early. Hopefully they have a new beta or non-beta release soon, but safety first.

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Since august there is not an update about the new firmware for the robot vacuum, last stable firmware update will be almost a year ago. We need support for multi-floor mapping. When is coming multi-floor mapping. Any updates…


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I’m running the latest beta. I’ve done a successful quick mapping. During a vacuum the map gets better, but once it completes and re-docks it does not save the changes to the map. If I customize etc it still shows the inferior quick map. I’ve read hat the map will update with changes (pre-beta), does that not work in beta? I see no one complaining here about this particular aspect.

It would help if could save a map as a new floor without doing quick mapping and moving the charger around.

Incremental mapping would also be helpful since I’m having troubles getting a complete quick map made upstairs, too much stuff to no-go but you can’t set no-go during quick mapping. So I’m following it around and blocking it with my foot, Several times and something always goes wrong. Think I could do it if I could do one room at a time.

Tests have been done in a small cordoned off area then in a larger area. Found out that it will update the map only if doing a full normal vacuum and that it re-docks w/o issues.

  • Spot cleaning → Did not save.
  • Selecting a “room” → Did not save.

Docking issues were particularly the power contacts lining up (hard floor is fine) and not having reflective surfaces nearby (appliance paint was enough to reflect the IR signal it seemed).

Inner selectable areas can leave gaps, but does not affect vacuuming…

  • Quick map
  • After Vacuum

Also the first time seeing this message…
(Did not see this pop-up ever when it was in the cordoned-off area. I assume it requires significant changes. In this case I had opened-up a new room in the larger area.

Incremental mapping → Possible.

The lack of map updates saving for spot or room cleaning is the main issue that was causing confusion. How I was doing it during my larger room tests was “spot cleaning” by using a whole lot of no-go zones to direct to the area I wanted to update on the map so I didn’t have to wait ages for a long vacuum session.

One other thing, I can’t split on a inner wall, so some rooms are not possible, kitchen in particular. Technical limitation I assume.

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