Wyze App 2.10 Released - 4/21/20

Hi, forum folks!

We’re releasing app 2.10.62 for iOS and 2.10.36 for Android! Remember, app reviews are taking longer than usual right now so you should see the update within a week if you don’t have it yet.

What’s New:

  • Added a Time-based One-Time Password option for Two-Factor Authentication
  • Unified the log submission flow
  • Added person detection support for Wyze Cam v1
  • Added person detection support for RTSP firmware
  • Improved the UI for the Home page
  • Added an in-app rating
  • Bug fixes

And we’re excited to say that the person detection beta is now available for all Wyze customers. No waitlist required!

Read our Release Notes here:


Super news on the Person Detection advances!


I’ve been running v2.10.36 for only 30 minutes and so far I’m very impressed with the new Person Detection. Kudos to you all @ Wyze and for implementing this solution in such a short timeframe and to all the Beta testers for your valuable contributions! Job well-done! :+1:


Great news for the people that were waiting for person detection.


I am curious sbout Improved the UI for the Home page
I’ve seen this included on a few of the recent updates but can’t actually see many differences. Some icons are different. :slight_smile:

I was getting ready to download the latest update for the Wyze app on my android and noticed three new permissions are now required? Could someone explain the logic? I don’t hand out permissions that easy without knowing why. Thanks,

Just press skip. See if the app works without those. It does not ask for those on iOS so I am not sure why it does on Android?

I suspect the permissions are for the fitness band.
I have them turned off and the app works fine with cameras.


They are indeed for the Wyze Band.

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Skip exited me out of the install. I can try installing and removing the permissions later. For some reason, this issue only showed up on my old S4 with Android 5. The same update to my new s10 with Android 10 did not ask me.


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Thanks. Good idea. Had no issue on my s10, but saw this on my older s4.

I am enjoying person detection again. Thanks. :walking_man:

Dark mode is still a bit too bright for me. :sunglasses:

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I was happy to see the app arrive so soon after your post. I downloaded it, activated person detection and even restarted the cameras, but person detection has failed so far. I had to re-enable motion alerts and those work and the green blob encloses me as I walk outside to test, but I am not registering as a person, hurtful.

I submitted a few videos, is there something else I can try?

Early this morning after I had turned on Person Detection for all my cameras, there was an update for the Wyze Band (firmware) I updated my Band and went back in to be sure no settings were changed with the update. Under the heading Account, Wyze Services, Person Detection there was a message that Person Detection had been turned off for maintenance and upgrades. We would be advised when Person Detection is turned back on. That original message is gone but I haven’t seen any info about it being turned back on so maybe that’s why you aren’t seeing it work. My Cams don’t detect people either.

I don’t know what happens, but after updating the firmware, I can’t load the 12 sec events. The screen stays “loading” but it doesn’t finish and it doesn’t show me the short video.

I can see the video from the playback icon but it is not what I always want to do. There are problems with 12 sec videos?

Is it just me or is connecting to cameras WAAAYY faster? It would sometimes take upwards of 10 seconds or more to connect before, now it’s like under 5?

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Person capture isn’t working for Me. (Activated with update. Now let’s see if it detects. )

I’m getting the opposite effect, taking longer to connect and stay connected on certain cameras. :neutral_face:

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so v2 cam does not have human detection?