Word of the Day


  1. Accompanied by stinky pooangry poo (at least). ↩︎


passive aggression

something turned in on oneself expressed outwardly; an odd contortion

So maybe :pretzel: or :knot:?


I also happened across and wondered about that imagery…. :thinking:


Incidentally, I want to be clear that I wasn’t belittling parables in a previous post. :point_up: I think they have value, and I was just making a silly pun about a pair of bull(s) (and the :poop: that they produce). I don’t have any reason to think that anyone has interpreted my post in a way that I didn’t intend; I just wanted to state explicity what my actual intent was. I reserve the right to call :cow::poop: elsewhere, but I was specifically not doing that about the :frog:'s parable comment.


  • shrug Shrug

  • image Pretzel

  • knot Knot

  • not_egual Not Equal

0 voters

but not in the P-A sense. :grin:

If There’s Really 18,000 Here Tonight, a Lot of Them Are Dressed Like Seats

Early polling seems to indicate a preference for my initial inclination:

Good to know. I appreciate the data so far. :wink:


re passive aggression

i said this yesterday. It goes to my general state of mind:

The event

I cracked a little wise with this new girl onsite. Then answered her question well. And affectioned her.

She ignores me, posts where I pointed her, and denies affection.

I deleted my comment and affectioned her again.

I was a little sad but pleased with my behavior.

The rationale

Maybe this is a good case study. Was I teasing her? Or heckling her? Or both?

I would say teasing her - with an edge. Ie, both. If she called me on it and I denied it, that would be passive aggressive.

If I admitted it, that would be adult communication, nothing more. We’ve learned about each other, see that we aren’t to each others’ taste and disengage. Also adult.

General affection doesn’t depend on us being compatible. Good will is given freely, because ‘hope.’

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I’m showing affection so your maintenance light turns off. :grin:


Ah so. :slight_smile:


  • To move in a leisurely, relaxed way; saunter.
  • To be lively; be quick; “hustle.”

double bind

Everybody seems to wonder
what it’s like down here
I gotta get away
from this day to day
running around
Everybody knows
this is nowhere

‘We gotta do somethin’ about it!’


That’s the participation trophy one gets for attending Camp Hip-Hop, right? If you really do well at camp, you make it rain rhymes: rapcipitation.

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  1. The invention of new words regarded as a symptom of certain psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia


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“Oh-ho, pardon, mum, but whumsical is much more whimsical than whamsical.”

:point_up: This is excellent.

…also seen in some manic states, and as long as you’re bringing psychopathy into the discussion, this reminds me of a related word: logorrhea, which is sometimes associated with “word salad”, which I’ve recently decided should be represented by emojification thusly:

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Did you pull that movie quote from memory?? Amazing. :slight_smile:

Flum but verify. :hugs: :face_with_monocle:

When will you be tossing ‘word salad’ (into the ring?) :+1:

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This may be better. No, it actually is.

