Word of the Day

Your extremely selective quoting made me laugh. :grin:

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:joy: Perfect.


Righteous and otherwise.

California gas prices.

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What little fountains do.

What this does. I didn’t see any of your cousins jumpin around it last week, probably not calm enough.

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buck up

The most winnings you’re likely to leave Vegas with.

Take courage.

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Kind of hard to do these days with crazy cameras. Yesterday morning I got one event out of 11 cams. Last night and early this morning the two V3 cams in the back went nuts and recorded about 80 Motion Events. All my cameras are set for AI only, person, pet, vehicle not All motion events. :thinking: I just power cycled them and hope they behave.

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I feel ya.


At the same time, I respect your record of resilience. :slight_smile:

life osculates


Tree Sap is good right out of the tree but I guess you a referring to Human Saps.
“I saw it on the internet/CNN/MSNBC?CBS/NBC/ FOX/ Tik Tok/Facebook it must be true” :grin: :grin:

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Homo sapiens

Take it easy, Felix. No need for magic. We fall for the SOS, over and over…

Hopefully no one’s comin’ at ya with the blackjack variety. :scream:

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Bandit lifting Black Jack from victim.


The first stick (-em-up) gum!