Word of the Day



Communicating with a Frog on an internet forum. I just make the sacrifice to keep the world in balance. :grin:


You know, I’m something of a dribbler myself.

Part of being old. My bladder waits to tell me until I am in the basement then I have to haul ass upstairs .

PSA is 4,5 :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Noble. :slightly_smiling_face:

Age forces us to do more with less every year, eh? Like the Black Knight vs King Arthur at the crossroads in MP & The Holy Grail.

BK: I’m invincible!
KA: You’re a looney.

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Used only once on the board thus far by an ‘assertive security’ proponent. A Maven, in fact.

A gentle soul except when armed. :grin:

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hark back


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= a big fat ZERO for Me.

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Is zero patience actually possible? I tried to get 2 different AI’s to give me an example of what a totally fictional person named Antonius would be like if they hypothetically had literally ZERO patience, but the examples were horrible failures (I even told the AI to assume this totally hypothetically and fictional Antonius loves animals like possums, skunks, and raccoons, but dislikes cats and rats). Not even the AI’s can accurately fathom what zero patience would be like with a fictional and hypothetical character. :rofl:

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I guess I need a support :raccoon: or a Possum or maybe a cold :beers: :beers:


migrate :hiking_boot:

Migration assistance: :grin:

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Heh. I’ve a hunch something’s afoot.

Maybe not. :grin:


flack jacket


