Word of the Day

If I knew how I would change that cold water coming out of the bucket to something more fitting. :rofl: :rofl:

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image  …à la crème d’ail?

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tow the line
toe the line

New York Egg Cream is better :yum: I’ll be having one on 6 April when I am in New York for 5 days. :grin:

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Hey, that’s the birthdate of an old girlfriend! (a latin :firecracker: )

Thanks for reminding me. And the egg cream sounds delish.

I’ll look forward to hearing about the trip. :grin:

Eggcorn definition…


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Pretty peppy disquisition, there, Steve-o! :wink:

Tow seemed right to me. I had canals, barges, lines and tow paths in mind, I think. Towing the company line attached to the ‘freight’ of a contrived narrative. Those towing being the mules.

Aerial advertising, too, I guess, though that was an afterthought. Small plane, line and banner. Company ‘line’ fluttering behind.

I was led by the barges and mules to a very interesting documentary on the history of the Erie Canal. Which is in NY state. Where @Antonius is going. Soon.

image 'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.

Heh. :blush:

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Yes I have not been back since 2011 when my mom passed away. I made many trips back and forth that year. I am going to my brother’s 50th wedding anniversary party this time. The small hamlet I grew up in during the 1950s’ had a good old time Soda Fountain with real Coca Cola and many other goodies. Real hamburger. real fries and a real Coke $.40 at lunch time.
Now that many of the New York City LGBTQ population has moved there the school that I went to K-12 is closed because there are no children to go there. I told my brother it looks like something out of a Steven King novel. No more blue collar carpenters, mechanics, construction workers, miners, all wanna be artist and whatever. The worse part there are no more taverns :astonished: :astonished:. There used to be five Taverns one of which my father owned and three churches, now there is just the churches. If I want to go to a Tavern I have to go across the bridge to Pennsylvania and drive 5 miles to get a :beers:
My retired brother comes to California on one of his numerous “Vacations” so I have seen him at least every year or so. Still looking forward to going back to my roots and look at the burial plot my brother arranged or me. :rofl:

Home sweet home :grin:

This is the entire main street :joy:


Does the town or area have music that fits it, in your memory, a theme song or soundtrack, so to speak? :slight_smile:

The Bethel Center for Performing Arts is just a few miles up the road.
It is on the original site of the August 1969 Woodstock Music Festival, a fun time.

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leading question

May seem like one but wasn’t. I didn’t know what you would come up with. :wink:

friendly phases


Sometimes I worry.


So, if being friendly is a phase, then by implication, sometimes you have opposite phases too?

Maybe it’s more of a spectrum. :thinking: If you were ever truly 100% not friendly at all, you’d probably be in prison in an isolation ward, right?

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Hey carver!

Mmm, sometimes. Here’s a spectrum, fwiw.

fawning friendly indifferent unfriendly shunning

Why don’t you worry?

Frog behavior: :rofl:

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I’m a pretty good dribbler, too. :drooling_face:

See, but those can all be different definitions based on a multitude of factors, including behavioral variation and environmental context. It’s very complex and multifaceted. I’d even argue it’s not linear. So many things can play a part. Mood, context, social norms, contextual influence, intent vs impact, communication style, body language. A person may even exhibit outwardly friendly behavior for ulterior motives or manipulation. There are cultural and individual differences, unique preferences and boundaries, culture, tribal/group iterations, psychological factors such as upbringing, past experiences, personality traits, etc that influence perception and expression of friendliness to the point where in some cases, a person can be perceived completely oppositely by 2 different people, or 2 different people may express the same thing in totally different ways. Interpersonal dynamics can make a huge difference too. There are way my brothers and I interact with each other that would utterly offend some people if we treated them the same way, but is actually reflective of the way we totally love each other. Level of familiarity can make a difference, mutual interests, power dynamics and social hierarchies can influence how friendliness is expressed. I posit that friendliness is an adaptive functionality in social interactions, including building rapport, fostering cooperation, maintaining relationships, but the degree and manner of it on an individual level can vary immensely particularly based on situational demands and personal goals. In some cases, a child may perceive some forms of “discipline” as unfriendly, while a parent perceives it as necessary “friendly” behavior that is for their own long term good. I’m not saying all discipline falls into this definition, just pointing out that it is possible to see some of it that way. Whether it be healthy eating habits, bedtime routines, financial responsibility, homework, or a number of other things.

So now at this point it becomes a little more complex to define what is meant by “friendly.” Is it truly “friendly” to be overly permissive and ruin a child’s longterm life by letting them stay home and play video games or watch cartoons all day instead of basic education like learning how to read, at least basic math skills, how to type, etc? Which is really the unfriendly thing to do out of those 2? Letting the child do what they think they want, or helping them in life in the longterm? And at what point do you draw the line between helping vs over-controlling? When does it stop being about what’s good for them vs what you want vs letting them make their own choices? Ah, philosophical debates on friendliness.

One argue an extreme point that just as any temperature above absolute zero is technically a kind of heat…maybe anything above absolute evil is technically a kind of friendliness.? j/k that’s obviously too ridiculous of a generalization. The average person can clearly agree on many things counting as friendly vs unfriendly. But it is interesting to consider how different variables can affect it.

So, again, I say…friendliness is more of a spectrum rather than a dichotomy.

OK, I was just bored and wanted to opine on some random philosophical note :joy: …in a friendly intent of course :wink:


I asked MS to draw you dribbling, and it said you dribble like this:


Poor little fella. Looks like he needs a friend. :slight_smile:


Lazy snowboy friend finally dug up a pic - from last year. Said, that was the-year-that-was, chez him, this year, quotidian.