I’m opening this topic again. But please remember to be kind to your fellow community member. Sometimes misunderstandings happen (especially with a text-based communication format). If you think that someone is being a jerk to you, please feel welcome to get mod attention so we can lend a hand. A lot of the time, these things are just communication errors.
Back to the main topic, please let us know if the app version WyzeLi shared helps!
Look at the upper part of the “live view” screen I assumed it’s the box after the box that sets resolution. It used to be under Account I think.
didn’t you read the manual
I am having the same freezing issue on my moto 5e play running Android 8. It just loads the live feed them freezes. I had to go back to an older version with hardware encoding.
Please put it back in.
Kudos to Wyze for continuing to address this issue. It’s a practical impossibility to please everyone in this fluxy, device-diverse space but Wyze does try.
I’m sorry, @gemniii. I don’t really know much about this update other than it being pretty early stage and having hardware decoding. To my knowledge, it’s pretty much designed to just test the one thing. But I hear we’re looking into the data issue.
I agree. I do not like the light colors. Supposedly, they are working on a “dark mode.” Of course, I will not be able to use it, if they don’t bring back hardware decoding.
Moderator Note: A couple of posts have been removed here that were getting off topics related to Wyze products. Per the Community Guidelines, let’s keep the discussion related to Wyze please.
Enough of this. I think we have had enough talk from wyze on this subject! How about less talk and more effort? Seems to me the problems should have been solved long ago. Just saying.
If they wanna go “radical transparency,” they could do a video called “Anatomy of a Problem ‘Solved.’”
It would be more interesting if we could follow a single person physically walking between each room/department a problem-submitted follows and record the chat.
But I suppose they could intercut the faces of employees stationary at their desks, with screen contents of said problem, as they comment about its travels through the system.
Not very interesting visually, but pertinent to this thread, would be the depiction of what appears to customers-outside-the-loop to be a problem unproductively “parked,” unresolved with a future unknown.
An hourglass or spinning infinity circle? Not “good TV.”
Unless intercut with employees chatting funnily and philosophically about the predicament, maybe. Or a Fitbit chart of Wyze principals’ vitals?
I’m wondering if the response @WyzeLi has gotten thus far is sufficient for his team to make progress.
I, myself, am not helping with that. I’m still hunkered on V2.5.28 for practical reasons. However, my device appears to be among those for which performance is dramatically improved with V2.5.36. Lucky.
Guys - if you have not tried the new app versions lately go try the latest one. Version 2.6.42 (18 Nov 2019) is working for me on my older Samsung J3 Emerge. It’s crisp, fast rendering and also very fast to move around on the SD playback time ribbon. They no longer seem to queue up every ribbon motion as you try to scroll around to find things and just flush the buffer and go to the most recent slider motion target. And now too they have the direct links to the SD Card time ribbon in the event notice so you get directly to the exact place of the SD memory without having to deal with the ribbon at all. Once there you can then move around conventionally to see before and after video in the event blind spot periods (4 mins).
I’ve downloaded the latest version (2.6.42) and I’ve been using it for the past couple of hours. So far, everything is working great. I am on a Samsung J7 Sky Pro. With the versions before this one, I could only view one cam, then would have to for the app to close to view another cam.
This is great! Thank you to Wyze for all of the work to figure this out. Please, please, in the future do a lot of testing before rolling out a major change.
Wyze, I take it the working version of the app (downgraded version) is going to stop working when you remove person detection on the back end? Please remove the person detection support on the back end in a way that the old app continues to work if it is not enabled since it is apparent that you are too incompetent to fix what you broke. If you can’t fix it, create a separate source code branch with the 32 bit library without new features, but, with bug fixes.
Either that, or make an even older version of the app without person detection available for download. And do it before the person detection support is removed on the back end so that users can continue to have their cameras work without having an interruption in service.
I was experiencing 45 seconds of lag on my Nexus Tablet when they removed hardware decoding, with the version 2.6.42 that they released Nov 18th I am no longer experiencing any lag. They have been working on these issues. They are not incompetent, they have been working on it as a high priority. Have you tried the newer version to see if it works for you?