Why is there no "turn floodlight on for" on Floodlight v2 Automations?

Floodlightv1, OG, V3 Pro, and V4 at a minimum have this option, but not the Floodlight v2.


Floodlight V2 example:

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Welcome to the Forum, @Avixa08! :wave:

Your fellow forum user, @p2788deal, posted this exact same thing just within the past day or so:

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This feature that y’all are requesting really does seem like a no-brainer, and I don’t even own any of Wyze’s floodlight products (though I do have Cam v4s and a Cam OG).


I’m dealing with the same thing. My floodlight Pro will turn on because of an automation I set up but will not turn back off. It will stay on all day long until I manually turn the lights off. This is so stupid

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