Why doesn't the doorbell show live in this view?

So guys, whenever I open the wzye app on my phone, this is the view I see [the lower part of the image inside the red border], As you can see both the video door bell pro on top part and the v3 cam on the bottom show the “live” icon on bottom right.

But only the v3 on the bottom shows live as you can see with the ‘time’. I always have to click the arrow on the video doorbell to go live and even then it does not stay in live view, any way to get it to stay live please?

In advanced settings, is “power saving mode” enabled? Disable that toggle and see what happens.

My Panv3s never work right on that “favorites” screen. But tapping the cam brings up live view. It looks like you have “autoplay” set to off hence the play button, so instead of hitting the play button to view live view, tap anywhere else in the picture to bring up the normal cam live view screen.

You can also use a cam group as your “favorites” view (looks lie you already have one set up) and remove the rest of the cams from the home screen. It is one extra tap to bring it up but that view is much more reliable and flexible (turning your phone sideways lets you view 4 cams at once nicely, etc).

In my case I’ve done both, the very top thing on my favorites is the cam group, then below that are all my cams with auto play off. That gives me a recent still frame on each cam and I can either go into the group to view live video, or tap an individual cam (avoiding the play button in the middle) to view just that cam.


Thanks. I must say all that you’ve written is taking some time for me to soak in. For clarification, when I seeking is to monitor ‘both’ cams in live mode whenever I open the wyze app. I am not understand why the bottom view of the Camv3 always shows live view and why the top view which is the video doorbell pro doesn’t do the same?

Because the doorbell pro is a battery operated camera and watching it live has a couple extra nuances to it. Have you disabled power saving mode yet in the cameras advanced settings?

Yes, I have, but I now have the video doorbell pro working with a transformer, so it is not battery powered anymore.

My experience with battery cams from a few brands has shown that they do not change power saving settings automatically when hardwired, you have to tell it yourself to deactivate the ones you can. Some still have some power saving limitations you can’t disable even when hardwired.

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Technically its still running off the battery, its just that being plugged in keeps the battery topped off.