What's everyone doing now that wifi jammers are used?

Seriously, I’ve watched that video dozens of times, It never gets old.

Experts say that if you want a NICE cat, the secret is to get them used to not having an “boundaries” (ie: spend time holding and cuddling them, pet them a decent amount, etc). Cats that get that kind of attention (no boundaries…but NICELY), turn out to be very loving and patient and enjoy it. It even works with most older cats. One of our cats used to bite or scratch if people touched her back (her head was okay), so I fixed that with the “No Boundaries” training. :smiley_cat: But most people get a dog if they want something that is pathologically codependent and high maintenance. I have one cat that is basically dog. :joy_cat:

But yeah, if you want an attack cat, give them plenty of boundaries. I love the loving cats so much though!

Sadly, No…but if some of the cat attack videos go more viral, they might start to work!

I think one of the best things you can do for jammers is have some kind of monitoring device in the house, and when a number of things stop responding or go offline, have it trigger an automation alert locally. Similar to stuff I suggested here:

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