What Was That Shadow?

I was checking my Wyze Cloud videos this morning and wondered what the shadow was in the top video. Had to go to SD card video of another v3 to find the answer. Watch the top video first and then the bottom video to see if your answer was correct. Sorry for the window reflection in the bottom video.


I have those flying machines going by here all the time, usually the Police or a Life Flight :helicopter:

Just big dragon flies. They eat mosquitoes.

There are power lines near the big tree on the left side of the bottom video. The power company will frequently use helicopters to inspect the power lines

They do that here also, they use the Bell type helicopters.

Dang, I was so close. My guess was “Kid Icarus”…

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This Icarus?


That’s pretty great. Thank you for reminding me about WIMP! It’s been years since I visited that site.