What spec exactly makes a MicroSD card "video compatible"?

Wyze’s FAQ page on MicroSD cards says:

Please be aware that some MicroSD card manufacturers may not cover use in smart home cameras under their warranties. Our warranty does not cover 3rd party products… Click here to purchase a 32GB Class 10 microSD card that is compatible with Wyze Cam.

So other than Class 10 and UHS-1, what is so magical about Wyze’s microsd branded memory cards? How come my WyzeCam V2 has burned through (bricked) two reputable 3rd party MicroSD cards with the exact same Class 10 and U1 specs (and also 32GB or less)?

There’s nothing “magical” about Wyze’s SD cards. However, they are covered under Wyze’s warranty, whereas 3rd party cards are not.


If you are looking for microSD cards that are supposed to last longer than a standard card in video cameras and are warranted for that, use a search engine to look for “High Endurance” micro SD cards. Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

But what does “high endurance” even mean? What is the technical specification for high endurance? It strikes me as more of a marketing term.

These may help…



Great links from @DreadPirateRush!

For microSD cards, “high endurance” simply means the flash memory can handle more read/write cycles before it wears out compared to normal cards. This is similar to cheap brake pads wearing out faster than high performance brake pads; both are functional but one is designed to be more durable than the other.

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Thanks gents.

Most relevant excerpt from the 2nd linked article:

There are several types of SD memory cards, the most common ones being TLC (Triple Level Cell) and MLC (Multi Level Cell). Basically, SD cards employ flash memory, which in turn is made up of cells. In TLC cards, each cell stores 3 bits, whereas in MLC cards, each cell can hold only 2 bits. ----LINE BREAK----Now TLC cards are cheaper to produce, which is why they are the most popular, but they also have a considerably lower lifespan. TLC cards typically endure 3,000 to 5,000 write cycles per cell, while MLC cards last for around 10,000 cycles.----LINE BREAK----There are other types of flash memory as well, such as SLC (Single Level Cell), with just one bit per cell. SLC is even more expensive though, and often only available in small capacities. SLC is typically used in industrial environments and for heavy-load servers.----LINE BREAK----For use in dash cams and other video surveillance cameras, High Endurance SD cards are ideal. These usually employ MLC technology. There’s more to it, such as the controller on the card that makes sure that all the cells are used evenly, but we don’t want to become too technical here as the article would become too long."

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