Can anyone tell me why the V4 fails to record this event and the V3 does. This buck sauntered down the front sidewalk and the V4 camera did not record an event. The video is from the SD card on the V4 that records continuously.
I have that happen a few times a week. I live at the end of a dead end street with a
cul- de -sac. A lot of vehicles come down to turn around. I have a V4 outdoors facing the street and a V3 indoors looking out a window at almost the same view. Sometimes usually at night the V4 will not upload a cloud video but the V3 will. Both cams cloud recorded all the vehicles that came by last night and early this morning. Maybe it’s a cloud upload issue? Both cams are also set for continuous. The belongs in a cast iron frying pan.
I don’t have an v4 cameras, but all of my v3 cameras seem very reliable at detecting motion (sensitivity set to 90) and upload to the cloud. This video is about a year old and the deer is almost out of view to my v3.
I only have v3 cameras. All are on firmware and all of my devices are still on App version 2.50.
Everything is working for me as it should and I am loving my Wyze setup right now. Yes, I have had jittery video and SD card not found in the past but no complaints as of now.
My feeling is it you have v3 cameras in your mix, that should be a plus.
You said you have cam plus, do you have “other motion” enabled or only the “smart” detections? It won’t necessarily recognize a deer as a “pet”. That distance is also a bit far so you may need to crank up the sensitivity a bit (though I’ve found my v4 to be more sensitive than my OG).
Highly reliant on lighting and the shape of the object, I don’t think we can really expect “AI” (I use that term loosely) to be perfect especially at a distance. Headlights especially seem to be an issue with the pattern recognition.
Yes, same here, it does not even see the buck as movement? It records shadows on the ground in daylight when the wind blows, and it sees the flowers moving in the wind as an event, but the deer it was blind to.
Sensitivity is at 50. It will see someone walking in the road as an event under the same lighting, so why it did not see that deer is a mystery. You can see in the video from the SD card the lighting is good, and he walked by across the field of view, he was not being sneaky
Nothing under customize (either there or in notifications)? I don’t have cam plus but on my v4 under customize I have “other motion” and “other sound” just like on my other cams.