What a disgusting app

Just created account to express disgust with Wyze app.
No landscape
No login over VPN
Occupies almost 500MB on ipados and still looks like crap, compare with Blink app 60MB
Inept support as if I talked to [Mod Edit]

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

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Currently rated 3.9 by users on Google Play. I believe it was around 3.5 back in 2019.

Having used it for almost five years, I’d say it has steadily improved, even as the product lineup and customer base have exploded.

What’s it rated on the Apple Store?


Well, nobody forced you to buy their products.
If you’re unhappy, help yourself and change ecosystem.

And here’s a free tip: spend some time in OEM forums and watch some Youtube videos before making your next choice.

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yeah whatever, this was real user opinion not a paid review

terrible product why did i buy it

Which product(s) did you buy?

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Hey, who checks these things? (Me, I guess, but not often.)

Currently rated 4.4 by users on Google Play. I believe it was around 3.9 back in June 2023.

That amounts to a 13% improvement in a little over a year. :thinking:


maybe moderator could delete this thread?
users prefer portrait, that is why ratings continue up

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Should delete it and empty the recycle bin to make sure it’s gone for good. :slight_smile:

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I thought you might be a Blink employee or investor… trying to promote yer product, but disguised as a disgruntled wyze user. I imagine this occurs at least some. It’s logical to test your competitors products, find their weaknesses, then come on here and try to exploit that.

You hear of people receiving Amazon products they didn’t purchase, and, they wonder why. Well… it’s so product owners can create fake product reviews.

BTW, the Wyze app ain’t bad. In the past 6 years, I don’t ever recall being frustrated with it.

A Data Man may better explain what bearing ‘number of reviews’ may have had. It virtually DOUBLED during the same period!

Disgusting is an interesting word choice.

Marches to the beat of a different drummer :drum:

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Wyze App 3.0 is on the way!

It undoubtedly will have some impact on the Google Play rating - but what?

Three months after release, the rating will have made at least a 10% move:

  • Higher
  • Lower
  • Neither
0 voters

Note: Distribution of the 3.0 Release Candidate has just begun. The Beta 2 thread is currently more active.

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I voted Lower because current users shocked by the new may initially move their ratings down - while 3.0’s greater feature set, while exciting, may be more demanding of the new user as well.

Could be wrong. What’s your rationale? :slight_smile:

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You could be right. I wanted to show some optimism in this dark, dreary, clown world.


it was probably my comment.
Blink app went bad recently but as far landscape mode, it is still better than Wyze.
At least once locked in landscape mode, it does not self-rotate to portrait like Wyze does
and is still smaller in size 10 times

Wyze app ratings could be from bots.
very suspiscious ratings go higher and higher after thread was created

My immediate response was Neither. A 10% move in a short period may be a lot.

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Likewise. For some reason I felt optimistic and changed my answer.

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