We have not done this for quite a while, but it is time to announce a new Maven!
@Crease has joined the team. Like all our Mavens, they are selected because of their helpful actions and we’re excited to give them the recognition they deserve for how they help the community. I am sure you have seen them around helping users and answering questions.
@WyzeJasonJ, I appreciate that you’re careful about making assumptions, but it’s okay to use the masculine singular pronouns when referring to me. I am but one man (some might say not even that).
Thanks to all for being so welcoming and letting me hang around and help out!
It’s kinda felt that way, and I keep coming back because I truly enjoy my time here. I genuinely appreciate the recognition for my efforts. Thank you all.
Oh, hey, so what’s the deal with that? Do I PM the shipping address for my Wyze Lightsaber in Limited Edition Red to @WyzeJasonJ, or…?
I guess I gotta do some more reading in the orientation packet.