Weeds & Water happy customers

This :raccoon: has never missed a meal.
Josina Philomena Possum does the clean up. She hid the other bone earlier.


Topic title checks out. The clientele appear somewhat zaftig and rather well fed.

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MFP missed out. He came slinking through the back yard while I was on the deck grilling the :chicken:. He just looked at me, climbed over the fence and head North to home I guess?

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Hmmm, a lull. Otherwise known in the broadcast industry as ‘dead air.’

People get anxious with too much of that so here…

These need more exposure. :frog:

Filler 1

Filler 2

Filler 3

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@TomG Needs a :skunk: Hat. :grin:

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That far raccoon probably couldn’t fight if his life depended on it. MFP is not scared of that buffet diner.