Watches - will they be back in stock.....someday?

Welcome to the Forum, @joanawebb! :wave:

I wish I had an answer to that question. That and similar questions have been raised several times in recent months:

Also, there was a recent issue with Watch 47 pairing that led to some speculation that Watch support had completely ended:

Fortunately, Wyze was able to remediate that with a server-side fix, so at least they haven’t completely shut out existing Watch customers; however, I would still guess that someone looking for a new Wyze Watch is probably going to have to explore the secondary market or just find a suitable alternative (albeit without the ability to launch Wyze app Shortcuts, which I think is one of the Watch’s underappreciated features).

I don’t represent or speak for Wyze, though, so I’d be glad to see someone chime in and tell me that I’m wrong and that Watches will be available again soon.