Watch video on a computer

-Jan 2021 (had 10 cameras but tossed them all)

-May 2021 (Still has 10 cameras but didn’t toss them all, gave them away instead?)

-Jul 2nd 2003

-Feb 21

-Aug 19th

-Nov 2nd (Again confirming no more Wyze cameras)

and now today again:

I’m genuinely curious why you are asking about viewing Wyze cams on a computer when you keep saying that you don’t even have any Wyze cameras that you could view there anymore? Are you a paid advertiser for Reolink?

If you were sincerely interested…there are actually LOTS of ways to view Wyze cameras on a computer, even free ways. I frequently view as many as 2 dozen Wyze streams at a time on my computer. I have well over 50 Wyze cameras and they all work great. But I am just really confused why you keep coming here to pretend to ask about Wyze when you don’t have any Wyze cameras and then promote Reolink? Are you a Reolink Employee or something? It’s just strange that you repeatedly say you got rid of everything from Wyze but keep coming back to say something negative about your existing cams which you said you got rid of and then advertise for Reolink when you don’t even have anything from Wyze anymore. Can you explain? Do you still have cameras from Wyze?

  • If so, why did you say so many times that you got rid of them all? Was it just venting or something?
  • If not, why do you keep asking questions about Wyze when you don’t have any? Are you a Reolink marketer or something?

If you are sincerely interested in being able to watch your cameras on the computer, I would honestly be happy to help you as I have done with dozens of others who wanted to be able to do so, but if that was just a pretend question to advertise for Reolink, then that’s fine [with me at least] too. I’m just trying to understand the apparent incongruencies so I know if I can help you out or not.