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One thing that has become clear to me is that the Wishlist & number of up-votes bear only a coincidental connection to what Wyze actually releases.

As of this morning, the Smart Sprinkler has 108 up-votes vs 3697 up-votes for the #1 Wishlish item - a web browser interface.

The sprinkler system is now “in-development” and Wyze is actively collecting applications for hardware testers.

After a year and a half, the web browser interface is still “researching”

The new wireless WCO and current V2/Pan have entirely different strengths and use cases. So I think you would be going backwards if you swapped out everything you already had working in place.

Afer carefully watching many of their website & YouTube videos, it is clear that Wyze explicitly views itself as a smart home company, and NOT a camera or security company.

The cameras are only one small component to the Wyze corporate vision. The cams work “good enough” right now, so paying programmers good money to improve them (or their interface) for existing customers who have already spent their money will not generate a surge of important new income.

But 50,000 WCOs pre-sold at $50.00/ea in a few days floods the Wyze bank account with a huge wave of money :heavy_dollar_sign: :moneybag: :heavy_dollar_sign: :moneybag: and completely outweighs 3697 somewhat disgruntled users.

Yes! The good news is that anything Wyze releases will almost certainly be intended to work with their existing smart home collection. :slightly_smiling_face:

And when they get around to a web interface, it will have to control everything, which makes it a much more complex & distant project than just a webcam viewer.

I sincerely hope that Wyze will release the web interface before the corrosive effect of being ignored drives away too many once-loyal customers. Many fine contributors to this forum have already left for competing product lines .