View battery levels on sensors

Create a way to know when a sensor battery level is low.

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That is already included in the app. Please see the Wyze Sense User’s Guide :slight_smile:


I read the guide. Didn’t see anything regarding the battery level.

Yes. I’m very familiar with changing the batteries. The problem getting notifications that the battery is near death. I find that once it has been red for a while, even after it changed the device will not work again until it is deleted, and re-paired to the app.

I would prefer to be told that “hey my battery is at 20% change me soon”.


My response to that was over a year ago. It appears they have removed the information on that page about monitoring the sense battery through the app. Why, I’m not sure. @moderators?

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There is a sensor battery status/warning when you go to the device screen in the app:

I’m not sure what happened to the push notification if the battery gets low.


Within that link is the bullet points I added the screen shot of which say where the battery indicators and alerts are. That was in responce to your question here.

Is it push notifications that you were wanting? I don’t know if I have ever gotten a push notif for sense battery’s. I usually just see the icon in the device screen.

There used to be a red icon in the device pages in the app but I don’t see it now. Might be just because my batteries aren’t low now. No option for push notification for battery status at all.

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There’s a Wishlist topic for that here: