Question regarding using a google home speaker or alexa speaker as a chime: Is/Can there be a fail safe rule for example: If the doorbell is pushed but the alexa/google speaker cannot be reached for whatever reason (maybe slow wifi), Play the sound through the external chime instead.
Hope a wyze member can answer this question because I think there needs to be a fail proof rule for the chimes just in case, or maybe there already is I just don’t know about. Thanks in advance!
You’re right, it is not hard wired. But, it is my understanding that the chime does NOT go through your home wifi network. It is connecting to the doorbell as an extended device. This is the same as the motion sensors connect to the bridge, not to your network. The doorbell is the bridge in this case.
To be honest, I did not test pressing the doorbell when my home network was down.
What’s the story on this anyway? Is the doorbell speaking 1 GHz to the chime AND simultaneously 2.4 Ghz to your router so it can be controlled? Apologies if this is covered elsewhere.
From what I understand, it’s 900Mhz to the chime and 2.4Ghz to the Wifi simultaneously.
@davidnestico2001 's question was not so much about a fail-safe for the chime but is the chime a fail-safe for Alexa/Google.
I can’t see how it could be. How would the doorbell know that your Alexa/Google device didn’t respond? Maybe you can have both working at the same time., thanks for the assist. There were other testers who had Alexa and Google. From what I remember, the doorbell does work with both. But then again, because I don’t have either one, I just tuned those questions/problems out.
correct me if I’m wrong…but wouldn’t the fail-safe for a malfunctioning doorbell be knocking?
I would have to agree, i don’t think alexa/google would communicate back to let the doorbell know they didn’t respond…even if they were able to do that, then that would mean that there is a connection and they probably wouldn’t have failed. Unless it was programmed in that alexa/google sent a “completed” signal back to the doorbell, and if the doorbell didn’t receive that in a certain timeframe it would try another route…but i believe that is beyond the capabilities of the equipment we are working with. I have used ifttt and similar things with alexa/google and once the signal is sent to do something that is the end of it, there is no fail-safe check to make sure the action was completed.
I do think they can be used with the chime, as in they all notify when the doorbell is pressed, but im not a beta tester so i dont know for sure. That would mean that, when working, all would alert when doorbell is pressed.
Wyze should include a feature for pre-recorded messages instead of speaking. Also a Siren, where a loud sound would be made in case of emergencies. Person detection should be included free at no charge. Maybe include an SD card slot for people who wanted to store videos locally. The free cloud storage, should include more than 12 seconds of recorded video and no cool down period.
Also the doorbell camera should cost only $10.00. Actually on second thought they should make it free. Hmm… free may be asking too much…they should just pay me to use it. /s