Video Doorbell Design

Hello, I made my own video doorbell using Wyze available products, the only drawback I have is adding features to the App to control the product simultaneously. It would be nice to add custom button when viewing the camera as the bridge and everything is controlled through that. Any information on this would be nice. By the way, my doorbell works perfect and it is expandable.

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Sounds cool, care to share pics/process, thanks

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My doorbell design is for a 3 units apartment building and has been working ok during my testing(beta). I am planing to put it in an enclosure and I will provide pictures afterward. Just an FYI, the only issue that I have encountered is being able to activate the door strike while streaming the video which I am hoping new Wyze app would support split screen so this issue would be addressed as well.

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Simply use sensor (need to solder wire) and once you press the button the sensor is activated and send notification to the assigned shared people. The camera would be for your video streaming. I wish I could have modified the App to add more functionality.

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Awesome, I’ll wait for the update on pics. Thanks for sharing

Sorry for late update as I got away from updating
Attached please see the pictures for door bell
1- screen shot of apt #2 App with shortcuts to open doors
2- modified Wyze plug to use the relay (use 5V to operate) to buzz in / operate the door strike for door no.2
3- New push switches in addition to old switches (not needed) : these new switches are dpst so I could keep current function with added internet notification
4- sensors that are hardwired to switches for each apartment
5- Wyze modified camera is installed inside with speaker wire extended to outside (not great sound quality). I may change to new outdoor camera.