V4 cam recording but not notify

I am starting to have cameras record all activities but not notify me. If i go right behind say a delivery driver it will notify when i go but not when he went. On more then one camera so might be like my phone but seems inconsistent.

Are you a subscriber? If not you may be seeing the 5 minute “cooldown” between events (it will record to SD but not log an event or notify during that time).

Yes i have cam + and they record the events but not notify or push.

So you get some notifications but not others? If you’re using the AI/smart detections try testing without it for a while, those detections require both a decent upload speed (since every bit of motion has to be sent to the cloud for analysis) and a clear, somewhat level view of the object, so they can be problematic in some cases.

If you start getting notified of all events in that case, you know what to focus on, if not then it also narrows it down, perhaps some power saving or notification limiting feature on your phone, or still could be related to connectvity.

I will try this but it is on my carport and at night cars going by are setting it off even with sensitivity turned down. Will try it again tomorrow. Also have pets around.

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Welcome to the Forum, @danfowler59! :wave:

I’m having difficulty understanding your issue, because there seems to be a disconnect here. You wrote…

…and also…

So in one statement it seems like you’re not receiving notifications at all, but then in another statement you seem to say that you’re getting frequent notifications. I’m confused about what you’re actually experiencing, so additional and specific detail might help.

Going back to your original post, it seems like maybe things were working as you’d expect until recently, since you said…

If the problem is a recent development, then I wonder if something has changed in your app settings (perhaps inadvertently, perhaps as a result of a recent app update) and if refreshing your profile data might help.

This is how I would get a clean copy of my account profile/settings on Android (click/tap to expand):
  1. Clear the in-app cache: From the Wyze app’s home screen, navigate to Account ➜ App Settings ➜ Cache File Size ➜ Clear.
  2. Navigate back one screen to Account and tap Log Out at the bottom.
  3. Swipe the Wyze app out of the running Android apps.
  4. Long-press on the Wyze app’s launcher icon (on the phone’s home screen or wherever you tap to initially open the app) and then tap App info in the pop-up menu.
  5. Tap Force stop on the App info screen (may need to tap OK to confirm) and then tap Storage & cache.
  6. Tap Clear cache and Clear storage on the Storage screen.
  7. Back up one screen (back to App info) and then tap Open and proceed to log back into your Wyze account/app. (Optionally reboot the phone at this step for good measure and then launch the Wyze app after the fresh boot instead of relaunching it immediately from this screen.)

Note: I don’t know what the options would be for modifying these steps on iOS since I don’t use that platform.

That’s where I think I’d start with this one, and I’d also check

  • each camera’s Notifications and Detection Settings,
  • the app’s notification settings at  Account âžś Notifications âžś Push Notifications, and
  • Android’s notification permissions for the Wyze app.

If anything looks confusing or out of place, then please feel free to post any screenshots that you’d like members of the community to review for assistance.

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When i turn off the AI i have all the cars a nd animals set it off. Went smart detection is on cameras record all events but only sent notifications on some. I have pets turned off but everything else is on.

If you are getting notifications for everything when AI detections are disabled, then it is one of two things:

Your wifi or internet upload isn’t able to keep up with all the events being sent to the cloud for analysis.

The camera angle/position is causing it to have trouble identifying things.

Obviously some things with AI will be mis-categorized and thus not alert, but it shouldn’t be a huge amount.

It sounds like you have “tag” set for “other motion”, but not “notify” so that’s why you’re seeing the events record but not getting a notification (when you have AI enabled).

How are your these events categorized or tagged? All motion? Vehicle? Person? Package?

I think what is happening here is that if events are tagged with a recognized AI object, you are being notified. I bet not all events are being tagged correctly, and you aren’t being notified of those. I think attaching photos/videos and telling us what is tagged or not and photos of your settings will maybe help troubleshooting here.