V1 firmware released to the public!

Hi folks,

V1 firmware is released to the public.

The fixes include:

  • Added V1.5 feature support (except for 360p and alert video thumbnails)
  • Fixed a bug that with the camera turned off, night vision still switches on or off and IR’s stay on.
  • Fixed a bug when the alert schedule always jumps back to a random time schedule after switching to all day

My V1 says it is up to date with

Just updated at 4:25pm CDT


Any idea when thumbnail picture firmware for V1 will be updated. I like it on V2 but sad it’s not on V1

I read on the September newsletter update that the v1 will not get the thumb nail alerts… “Note: Wyze Cam v1 does not support this feature due to hardware limitations” I don’t see how the thumb nail it related to the hardware though.