April 28, 2019, 2:44pm
Because Brian is in New Zealand, part of “Pacific”.
@BrianC , As @gemniii mentions, Wyze does not sell or support their products outside the US because of several reasons including lack of overseas servers, shipping arrangements, support staff etc. They have tried unsuccessfully to get Amazon to stop selling the cameras overseas.
See the video below starting at the 3:30 mark:
We had many great questions sent in for our first episode of Wyze Q&A! We covered many of the top questions we received in the first episode so check it out!
[Wyze Q&A Episode 1]
In order of appearance:
Dave - Founder/Head of Marketing
Dongsheng - Founder/CPO (Chief Product Officer)
Mike - Director of Product Development
Yun - Founder/CEO
Tao - Director of Software Development
Frederik - Senior Director of Technology & Services
Here is a timestamp index of the topics covered…
That said, you can vote for app-based 2FA here:
BELATED UPDATE: Authenticator app options were added for 2FA in app version 2.10.
Most people voted for google authenticator (54% of you voted for it) but for some reason the wyze team decided that it was a good idea to go with the second most upvoted one instead (SMS). Many people have pointed out that SMS authenticator has flaws, insecure and not region specific which make google authenticator a better choice.
Be sure to click the VOTE button at the top.
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