There is no limit. I have well over 200 Wyze devices using over 70 individual connections to my mesh router and everything runs fine. I have tried this on a couple of different Mesh routers, though not with Orbi…still, Orbi is supposed to have some of the best routers in general by reputation (though I haven’t used them myself).
The issues for you are probably not directly your router’s fault, but there could be a number of other things.
I did make a list of common connection issues I’ve found contribute to this over lots of personal experience and combined my thoughts in this post:
You can probably safely discount the “Router Performance Issues” in that list, but see if maybe any of the other things might be things worth considering.
You are DEFINITELY not overloading the Wyze servers. Like I said, I have over 200 devices active on my account, including every single device you listed above, and more than you have of most of them. I also have Cam Plus Unlimited with over 2 dozen cameras, some of them basically constantly uploading video to the cloud to record events, and sometimes when I use the webview, I am simultaneously livestreaming a lot of video from lots of cams all at once too.
Now that is not to say that you are not overloading your ISP, or your bandwidth limitations or any number of other things that could be involved…but you for sure don’t have too many Wyze devices for Wyze to handle. Like I said, I have over 200 and mine all work just fine without recording or connectivity issues, so that definitely isn’t the issue here.
Now lets try to see if we can figure out what the issue actually is.
- Who is your ISP?
- Do you have Cable?
- What bandwidth do you have?
- What kind of residence do you live in (single family home, apartments, etc)? --the intent of this question is to try to figure out how likely it is that you have a lot of nearby signal interference from neighbors on similar channels as your wifi…there are tests you can do with different apps to see if changing your wifi channel will help reduce interference, etc.
- Try rebooting your modem (and maybe your router) and see if that helps at all
- Are you using QoS on your router? Your router could be giving priority to other devices instead, thus causing connectivity issues for the non-prioritized devices…I would turn off any prioritization options.
Those are the primary questions I would ask at this point. I have more details about why I ask those question in that post I linked to above…I would start with investigating those issues first.