I’ve read through the prior message board and do not see a problem exactly like mine. I hooked up the thermostat yesterday following the instructions on how to wire it and could not get stage 1 heat to work, stage 2 works fine. Worked fine prior to swapping thermostat. Have a heat pump and used the correct labels. So far Wyze support has had me move the OB wire which is blue to w1 and the white wire in w1 to w2 with no improvement. They also tried labeling the wires like this Rc, Y1, W1, G, C and W2 but no improvement. Any help?
you have a heat pump. you should be using the lower set of labels.
looks like you have electric heat strips as backup heat?
do you have a picture of how you hooked it up with the wyze?
Thanks for the reply!
This is the latest version of what they have had me try. They had me switch W1 and w2 wires to where they are now in the picture and now stage 1 heat works but stage 2 does not. Yes I used the labels for heat pump when I took off my original thermostat. I am not 100% sure but I would think its heat strips for emergency heat. The labels they told me to input prior to this change which I used again were Rc, Y1, W1, G, C and W2
Not sure if this is helpful but these are the wires coming off of my air handler.
Blue should be on o/b, White should be on w1
Tell it that your old thermostat has the following wires during setup:
aux, R, C, G, O/B, Y, Aux
The tests don’t always work for the heat pump stage because of compressor lockout/ soft start- does actual heating work properly? If it cools when you expect it to heat, go to advanced>swap hot and cold to change the action of the reversing valve.
Interesting, so to be clear you are saying set it up this way and then ignore the test suggested by the app but actually use the unit and if the heat turns on when In heat mode it is working properly? This wiring that you have suggested would still let it use the emergency heat if needed by the unit? Thanks for all the help I’m very HVAC stupid!
if you need emergency heat in addition to backup heat, add a jumper between w1 and * and tell it that your old thermostat uses the following wires: R, C, G, O/B, Y, Aux, *
And yes, the heating test doesn’t always work for a heatpump system, especially if you have any energy savers installed by your utility.
Working, thanks for all the help!