Thermostat offline repeatedly

Congratulations, enjoy it!

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This is sad - so it seems like this issue has been around for many users for 2+ years with no resolution yet?

I’ve sent numerous logs like a handful of users here and still crickets. Looks like the only real solution I’m seeing is to go with a competitor.

My thermostat just started having this problem after I “upgraded” to 1.2.8.
Keeps disconnecting and won’t reconnect without having to reboot it by manually shutting off the furnace circuit breaker (actually recommended by Wyze - which is the most ridiculous fix for a remote thermostat). It worked fine for over a year, and nothing has changed with my router or wifi settings. It’s super annoying. I don’t really understand why it can’t just try to reconnect without having to power cycle it. I assume the firmware must be really terrible.
Hopefully there will be a fix for this. Otherwise I suppose it’s time to look elsewhere for a functional thermostat.

I was patient for a long time.
Tried everything. When Home Depot stopped carrying them, that was a clue. I honestly don’t think they have the resources to fix it. And last weekend, I took this picture…

The key word is “Clearance”!

Yep, ecobees ftw

It’s a bummer since it has worked very well for over a year. I have other Wyze devices that work pretty well and it was nice to have one app for everything. The Honeywell T6 at my studio had terrible connection problems and now it works fine (mostly), but the app has almost no useful features. I’ll take a look at the EcoBee.
It must be difficult to for Wyze to justify making firmware fixes at the price they sell stuff. It’s probably all done at some cut rate offshore dev sweatshop. I guess you get what you pay for…

I intend to keep my Wyze thermostats, since I have a workaround for when they go la-la. I’m still a Wyze fan, as well. All of their other products - at least the ones I use - have been bulletproof. It just amazes me that they can’t or won’t fix a connection bug in the device. None of my other Wyze devices randomly go offline.

For those who still have a Thermostat and are following this thread, I thought you’d appreciate the update:

Thanks to everyone in here who submitted a log and offered insights into when it happened or what it could be related to.


Great news. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.

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Great news indeed!!! Just about 8 months toooooo late. really Wyze, really Wyze, too deaf. Most of us have moved on to ecobee. You should get one to see what the competent competition is offering`. You have dropped the ball far too long on this one. Frustrated to say the least!!! Your in-action caused many of us to reluctantly abandon the Thermostat out of our Wyze eco system.

Has anyone installed the thermostat firmware version 1.2.8 update, and if so, what were the results? My thermostat hasn’t been going offline and I’m hesitant to install the update.

I have 1.2.8 and it still drops offline randomly. Dropped off again last night in fact.



Should probably add that I don’t think they’ve uploaded the fix yet.


Really don’t want to read 2 years of “fixes” for this issue I have the same issue and it won’t stay online for a day…I’ve had one of these for 2 years in a house I’m finally fixing to move into. I’m not going to live through this same issue that I did before I smashed the Wyze sprinkler into tiny little pieces and replaced it with something that works should I just give up on this thermostat too?

Yes. Buy something else. Nothing but empty promises from wyze.

I’ve given up on it… buy something else

Thanks, I lived through years of the sprinkler problem too, not again. If any of the important people are reading this, I guarantee the two problems are related so see what hardware these 2 devices share and there is your problem…unless you don’t really care about fixing it.

So everyone is happy with the Ecobee?

I am experiencing a similar issue for the last three days. I’ve had this thermostat connected for several years, and never had an issue until now. I see it’s assigned an IP address through my router, but the device says it’s IP address is
I’ve tried resetting the thermostat and it’s stuck on setup now. I’m somewhat afraid I’ve bricked the device.
I am having a connection issue with all of my cameras except the Doorbell Pro, all of my light bulbs, light switches, and thermostat.

If anyone is able to find a solution to bring things back online, please respond here and let me know. It’s an absolute pain in the butt to have had a weekend away and not be able to access my home security system or automation.

There was a version of firmware for the Wyze thermostat that would brick the device if you reset it with that firmware installed. I compelled Wyze to send me a new one, actually with little effort. I think they were aware of the issue but never admitted it. That was a while back, well before the current .8 version.

I’ve never had an issue with any other Wyze device. Though the one thermostat I have that exhibits the offline behavior has been doing it constantly for about a week.