Thermostat: Adjustable Season Settings?

It would be nice if the thermostat controls were a bit more intuitive based on season or had the ability to include geolocated outdoor temperature into the rules for auto. Meaning with auto mode, either the user can “lock out” heat in summer, AC in winter or set thresholds based on outdoor air temps whether or not those would kick on.

I dunno I think there’s just ways to make a smart thermostat smarter especially in northern states (its -23°C here) where the Auto mode in especially winter time is risky. Aa of right now automatic mode is all but useless except in apring/fall or if I lived way further south. If it could detect that it’s winter and adjust controls accordingly it would be awesome.

[Mod Edit]: Title Modified to Enhance Search Clarity.

It might be a second idea, worthy of a different thread, but it’d be awesome if we could disable a humidifier during the warm season too.

If not, I’ll take basic season support for temperatures because I want that too :slight_smile:

Adjustable season settings for thermostats sound like a great idea, especially if you’re looking to optimize comfort and energy efficiency throughout the year. It’s always nice to have that flexibility! By the way,

If you’re into home automation and looking for more ideas on optimizing your setup, you might find some useful insights at, especially in their section on Loxone installation.