Even if I select degrees Celsius as the temperature unit setting with Wyze Climate Sensor, in the main menu of the app it remains in degrees Fahrenheit…
What actual app version are you using? Can you show screenshots of what your seeing. Because I can’t replicate this.
Iphone 11/ App :
See the pictures. I select degrees Celsius as the temperature unit setting with Wyze Climate Sensor, but in the main menu of the app it remains in degrees Fahrenheit…
I see this too on production app Have you contacted Support to report this bug? That’ll be the official way to submit big reports. And you can direct them to this topic for more information. You can also keep an eye out for a future Fix it Friday and submit it there also.
Had it on F, changed to C and cleared cache, restarted app etc and shows this:
Individual device page and group view:
Device tab and on favorites tab:
did you find a fix? this should be a 5 seconds correction in the code, can @wyze look into it?
I reported the bug and still haven’t heard back. It’s actually an easy bug to fix, I hope it will be fixed in the next app update…