Hi. Can someone please advise how to update (sync) the time on the Wyze Outdoor Camera as it appears to be 6 hours out. There does not appear to be a Sync button similar to the Wyze Cam Pan (advanced settings\sync time), from what i can find anywhere, against the camera or the Base Station.
@Steve0_NZ This new update may be the answer.
Great thanks look forward to it.
I have upgraded to IOS V2.14.23 but unfortunately it doesn’t appear to have fixed the time sync issues on the Outdoor Cam. The indoor CAM PAN time sync issue’s that we experienced in New Zealand and Australia, had already been corrected with a firmware update a day or so ago.
I might be missing something with the Outdoor Camera’s but i cant see how the time sync option is available/works.
Appreciate any assistance there.
Hi @Steve0_NZ They didn’t make an update for the Outdoor Cam.
Your is 1st request.
Thanks for pointing that out @dr.know.
I see now that Wyze didn’t include the outdoor cam in that update a real bummer. Hopefully they will be releasing an update soon that will correct this time sync on the outdoor cam.
Thanks @dr.know. Who would have thought an outdoor cam going to little old NZ.
Think it has more to do with the different operating system of Outdoor Camera and battery saving technology. I suspect Wyze will eventually include additional timezones in all products.
disclaimer: I am not a Wyze employee and just speculation on my part.
Sounds like you have their ear which is great. Appreciate you looking after the little guy’s
If you’re having trouble with syncing time with your Wyze Cam Outdoor, please send me a message with the number from an app log from your base station (go to Account > Help & Feedback and select the base station from the dropdown menu), your actual time zone, and the time zone showing on your camera. I have the team looking into this now!
Just checked my outdoor CAM’s and somehow the time syn has sorted itself out. Not sure how and when but everything is working as it should. Well done again Wyze one
Wyze pushed out a time sync command to all base stations.
Please Click/check the Solution button if issue resolved.