I’ve considered this a while back, but another thread reminded me that I wanted to experiment a little and find out how much tolerance the cam has for SD memory. As it turns out, there is some flexibility. I bought one of these to try out. Obviously it’s not the ideal form factor, but the implications are reassuring. You can use an adapter and not lose functionality, though I haven’t tested it very thoroughly. I was able to watch playback without an noticeable difference to the 32GB Micro SD I had been using. It may be a solution to larger storage and the possibility of using a wifi enabled SD card and might facilitate remote access to the cam video. That experiment will have to wait until I can spring for a WIFI SD card. I was a tad surprised at the length of the ribbon cable, but it will fold up nicely and if I have to make some adjustments, it may be worth the trade-off.
Would you mind elaborating a bit on what exactly you have done? I’m intrigued but not sure what you are doing with the cable or how you are attaching it.
I bought one of these. It’s simply a Micro SD card to SD card adapter. Instead of the Micro SD card typically inserted into the WyzeCam, you end up inserting a tab that has the ribbon cable attached. The other end is a slot that permits the insertion of a standard SD card. As I can tell so far, it allows me to:
- Use the several standard SD cards I already had
- Stick the cam outside the house and run the ribbon cable between the window jamb thus permitting access to the SD card without going outside
- Experiment with a WiFi enabled SD card with the prospect of accessing it from my PC
That said, I have done 1 and 2, but still need to spring for 3.
Thanks. I had heard of that but haven’t had time to investigate it. I have outside mounts & ladders and this has a lot of appeal, especially the wireless card. Keep me posted on that if you would!
As soon as I have the extra money for one of the wifi cards. It’s all priorities these days.
So true…
Fun fact. I posted this on the reddit sub and it was deleted twice without comment. I must be doing something wrong.
Well, THEY are watching, you know …