Just got an email from wyze with a subject line: Some thing BIG is coming 5-30-2018.
Opened the email…followed the video link.
Nothing :I didnt see anything new, guess this was just a teaser. I guess the we all have to wait and see. Pretty misleading email.
Did is miss something?
I’m not seeing a video link, just a link to the Wyzecam site.
In the email I got it states
“Come see our latest smart home creation at 9am PDT/12pm EDT on May 30”
Not misleading at all for me.
My calendar is marked and I’m here for all the fun speculation!
I guess “video link” was misleading (which makes me a hypocrite).
I clicked on the link to wyzecam and the video on their page didnt reveal anything.
That said.
What do you speculate !!
May 23, 2018, 10:40am
I would have speculated- Outdoor camera. But, the email says “A new way of seeing INSIDE your home”. So… I have no idea.
Hoping for better than 10-15 second clip motion triggered cloud storage.
May 23, 2018, 11:01am
It looks to be a new product rather than a new feature.
Smoke detector/cam combo?
Nodnarbaz…that would be cool…but it does say “inside your home”
May 23, 2018, 6:56pm
Alexa skill for Show and Spot
My guess:
DaFang (meaning Big Room in Chinese according to a review on YouTube).
Also from the (unintentional ?) pre-announcement of Pan Tilt camera.
Great clip… that is the they should be showing as an intro to next week!!
It’s a new indoor camera, that’s all I know.
If is under $30 I may spring for one, not that I need anymore cameras.
The “shop” link started showing a Wyze Cam Pan option this morning. A little url magic can get you to the product page if you’re interested in specs/price a bit early.