… they inventory the gold in Fort Knox?
If they inventory the gold and find Fort Knox empty, I am sure gold price will go up.
I heard this on a podcast and it makes sense.
I may need gold in the future to buy more Wyze cams.
… they inventory the gold in Fort Knox?
If they inventory the gold and find Fort Knox empty, I am sure gold price will go up.
I heard this on a podcast and it makes sense.
I may need gold in the future to buy more Wyze cams.
True. I was trying to link it to cams, but food would be more important.
(Thanks for keeping track of what I said. It’s a good reminder.)
You did not answer my ?
Pity all the federal workers who have been laid off. And right at the moment when commodity prices are going up.
I have no answer, and I’m one of the last people you want to ask for financial advice. I have only snark.
Hope I don’t get laid off of Social Security.
Maybe you can buy food with snark through an online service.
Like what? SnarkTok™? SnarkPal™? I also have this kind of Snark.
What’s it do? Suck up all the snark in the room? I wonder if Wyze could develop a snark filter for their own Robot Vacuum and Air Purifier.
I was mistaken. It was a Shark.
Does it have laser beams? If it does, then don’t tell @Bam.
Edit: Original disliked post collapsed to markup comment
TL;DR: Buy gold? If you believe the gold is missing and the market will panic, then Gold is a good hedge.
(Edited after above edit by @carverofchoice )
If they open Fort Knox and they find no gold, should we had bought gold now?
They should have Geraldo open the vault.
Glad you got that.
Yeah, some people aren’t going to understand that at all, which is one of the things that makes it such a great comment.
Fair enough. But that’s pure speculation and the answer will be complete hindsight analysis. Lots of hypothetical Ifs. But yes, to answer, if proof comes out there is no gold in Fort Knox, then Gold Demand and price will go up. If you believe the gold is missing, and buy some gold now, then you would profit. Right now Fort Knox holds “Schrodinger’s” gold.
I truly hope gold is there.
The dollar would be diminished otherwise.
We haven’t been inside Fort Knox since Goldfinger.