You can still adjust the brightness and temperature in schedules when turning the bulb on (and use this to set different controls through the day). But I don’t know where we’re at with the plan Mike outlined. I’ll see if I can get info about this but there may not be much more with the stuff we’re working on in beta.
With a shortcut or rule is it possible to make the bulb flash?
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Hi @mike.s / @UserCustomerGwen . Looks like there hasn’t been updates on this recently. Is this still in progress? I understand that you’re working on other products to be launched soon, and that’s totally cool. Just wanted to chime in that I’d love this feature! (and have been following since September) I don’t want to set bulbs ON, then immediately OFF to change temperature for when I might randomly use them.
Hi, @Jgsherw. Welcome to the community! Yes, Wyze is currently working on this, and if you take a look at the top of this thread you will notice it is “in-development.” As it progresses, it will then later change to “testing.”
Yes! It is in progress, but we had to delay a release because we are considering larger changes to the Rules platform. We need to ensure the system doesn’t conflict or we’ll end up causing even more pain in the future. I’ll make sure we keep this updated more frequently moving forward!
^ And I’ll hold him to that.
Happy to hear that you guys are working on the Rules. I hope they’re getting more powerful.
Was thinking earlier how it would be nice to have a feature where I can allow the app to change the color tone based on local time of day. Similar to how the Dynamic Desktop wallpapers that support time-shifting work in macOS Mojave. My computer screen shifts from cool tones in daylight hours and warmer tones in the evening to save my eyes.
Example: I may enjoy a nice cool blue light at 4:30pm-5:00pm but as the sun sets in the fall it would be nice to have the bulb move to a warmer tone over a span of time until 7:00pm. Or even vice verse - to each their own but I think it would be a nice feature to investigate.
I see a lot of this being seasonal needs especially for folks in the PNW and other northern areas that have early sundown in fall/winter.
I’d like my Wyze Bulbs setup so that the temperature/color depends on the time of day but I want to turn them off/on via the light switch like normal bulbs. Is this possible?
Example: If I turn on the switch and it’s morning I’d like the bright blue so they’ll wake me up for the day. If it’s night time and I turn on the switch I’d like them to be dim and yellow.
Hello @rileyspiller and welcome to the community
I would not think that is possible at all, even if there was a way to send a color temp based on time of day (which there isn’t) because once you turn the bulb off by the switch it is no longer powered at all and cannot receive any commands.
Hi Mike,
Any update on this?
That’s disappointing. The logic to enable this is simple. Wyze could push a firmware update to implement it.
The logic is: when bulb is turned on check the server for a schedule and settings. If there is a schedule in place update the bulb. It might take a second or two for this communication to happen but I could live with that. I don’t know if the bulbs have any memory on board… if so, even better, just download the schedule to each bulb.
Anyway, at this point I feel like I’ve wasted my money on these bulbs.
Actually I think it is possible, because I think the color and brightness settings are stored in the server. So when the bulb turns on via switch, it would take a few seconds for it to connect to WiFi, and then it would update the color based on the server value.
In that scenario yes it would work except that when it turns on it would turn on at the old setting and then update. That would bring on the next slew of complaints
You can’t please everyone
I think “a second or two” is a severe underestimation. It can take the bulbs a while to reconnect to WiFi after you first turn them on. More like a minute or two. What behavior would you expect? For example, no light until it checks with the servers, or cool light when you expect warm light? One way or another, it might happen a minute or two AFTER you flip the switch, which probably isn’t acceptable for most people.
I don’t like to use smart bulbs in fixtures that are controlled by wall switches. The two don’t really play well together. This is a perfect example of that. Yes, you CAN use them that way, but you’ll run into some inherent limitations.
I only have one place that I use a smart bulb controlled by a switch (which happens to be a smart switch) and that is outside on the porch where a minute or two delay from coming on at sunset does not matter. I use a smart bulb so the brightness can go up or down depending on motion.
A lightbulb that doesn’t work well with a switch? Ya’ll don’t seem to think this a pretty basic use case that’s completely missed. I’ve come to expect Wyze products to just work well out of the box. These bulbs pretty much add no value unless I change my behavior to use them. My fault for expecting more.
This isn’t really a Wyze design problem, per se. It’s just the fact that light bulbs don’t tend to work particularly well without electricity. Haha. But yes, I agree that smart bulbs mixed with wall switches aren’t an ideal use case for smart bulbs. That’s why I don’t use them that way.