Sense Hub doesn't report a leak sensor that has gone offline

Have: Sense Hub, leak sensors
Want, and got: Leak sensor report to hub if leak true, and thus Wyze App send notification to phone. Works.
Want, and got: Leak sensor continually report to hub if no leak, human can look at app to see if all OK if human wants. Works.
WANT BUT NOT GET: Sense hub alert human with app notification if a leak sensor has gone offline and cannot be reached.

(I.e., If leak sensor offline (little cloud with a line through it icon), Wyze App should ALERT notification to phone. Otherwise human goes about human business for days not knowing leak sensor is not reporting anything to hub. Leak sensor is effectively a doorstop, and if leak happens while it is offline, human will not know about leak. Human is not going to open Wyze App every hour to check if sensor is still online. But if app would alert human about offline sensor, human could investigate and figure out why sensor offline and fix.)