Sense bridge status - solid yellow light

I’m having this issue as well. I’ve been using the sense bridge in one of my V2 cameras and all sensors would periodically go offline. The past week I’ve had to un- then re-plug in the camera then all sensors would come back online.

When the sensors show offline, the camera Extended Devices would show the bridge as greyed out saying one wasn’t installed. Looking at the bridge the status light is solid yellow. Un- then re-plug in the camera and it comes back online until the next morning. (I don’t know exactly how long, normally just notice when our motion sensor doesn’t turn on a couple of our bulbs.)

To reiterate / provide details:
Bridge is in cam V2.
Original power adapter.
Original cord that came with the V2 camera.
Firmwares are all up to date.
No daisy chain of cameras.
Had been working for a while but need to power cycle is becoming more frequent.
All sensors connected to the bridge show offline, not just one or two.
Bridge shows as not installed in Extended Devices when sensors are not working.

UPDATE: (Same day as original post)
Same issue happened again noticed this evening. When plugging back in I swapped out the power brick to one with much higher wattage to see if that will help. Still using the same/original cable.

UPDATE 2: (24 hours after previous)
Using the higher wattage (12W) adapter everything has worked as expected for the past 24 hours. I have not needed to power cycle the camera. Will update again after more time.

UPDATE 3: (48 hours after update 2)
So with the higher wattage adapter its been three days and I haven’t had to reset my camera at all. Bridge and sensors have stayed connected and active. I’ll keep with this setup, and post back if there are any issues but…

@UserCustomerGwen Seems the sense bridge needs to come with a higher powered adapter! Let me know if there is any additional information I can provide for support.