This is more of a want than a need. Would it be possible to select where we’d like the vacuum to start in the room. I love how it makes nice straight lines, but then it will cross right over the lines to move to the next room. While I know it may use more battery and be less efficient, it would be nice to say start in the corner and move this way. It would also be nice to select which room we would like it to start in and move to finish cleaning. Like start in the back of the house and move towards the front.
Don’t forget to vote for your own #wishlist item!
Also, I’d suggest changing the name of this topic to “ select where we’d like the vacuum to start cleaning in” or similar so it’s easier to search for.
Edit: topic tagged #probably-not. This means Wyze will most likely not be considering this idea
Yes!! I’ve been wanting this as well! Great idea @tlfurgason!
Not only that, but I wish it would clean in the order you select the rooms on the map.
Sometimes, the room I’d like completed first is the last one!