Scheduled Timelapse

We’ve been working on nailing that one down for quite a while. Sadly it overlaps with so many other features that it’s hard to find where the errors are. When that was explained to me it was pointed out that while it’s doing the time lapse it’s still capturing other photos and writing them to the SD card along with capturing that same photo and uploading it to the cloud. Considering the chips that are used in these cameras that’s quite a bit. Hopefully with future iterations maybe they will be able to get it more consistent but one day I’m sure they’ll figure out where the issue is. Like I said for the most part they work for me every now and then I have an error. I can’t think of one thing in technology that’s 100% every time. It’s more like the cologne in anchorman for technology, 60% of the time it works every time :joy::laughing:

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