RTSP for V3

As a result of your previous comments, I’ve actually been working on a tutorial video designed to step folks through this process.

  1. You need to know where the docker-wyze bridge was downloaded.
  2. You have to edit the docker-compose.yml. If you are accessing your linux distro from desktop, you can use any “text editor”. If you are on the command line, you can use “vi” editor which should already be installed. Google instructions on using vi.
  3. Once docker-compose.yml is edited with your Wyze credentials, make sure you are in docker-wyze-bridge directory and run “docker-compose up”.
  4. If your machine is running linux and you installed docker and docker-compose and downloaded docker-wyze-bridge on your local machine, then you should be able to run it on your local machine.

Hope this helps!

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yml is a text file. Use any plain text editor. Don’t use MS Word.

YES thanks for the help. I must have EVERYTHING IN THE OWRLD installed and most not needed but I can now program a MOON SHOT with all this junk. ok, maybe not, but I got a Bitbucket account and have the modded “docker-compose.yml” with my wyze account credentials in BOTH places, on a local directory and a bit-bucket account. I am assuming that “rtsp-simple-server.yml” need not be modified. I am running W10PRO with Docker, Ubuntu , Git-Hub, Git-Bash and WSL installed. Question is, what programs need to run and in which one do I place the “docker-composer up” command? Then what is supposed to happen/be seen? Docker is eating lots of memory so I may have to start over on my 24GB memory server. I think I will start WSL then open Ubuntu, change to my local directory in ubuntu and put “docker-composer up” command in there? WAIT…WHAT? Do I have to install Docker and Composer INSIDE Ubuntu?
Update: I know lots of users herein are Linux based and that Chinese to me but in Windows as above, I think I may be getting closer if I go to my local Docker “mrlt8/docker-wyze-bridge” repository directory and open a Git-bash terminal at that location, I can use the command “$ docker-compose version”
which show me:
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
docker-py version: 5.0.0
CPython version: 3.9.0
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020
Therefore if I can figure the correct command and name of the container, I may be on the right track?

The docker plugin works great on Debian Buster. Thanks for sharing.

I see the error "path must end with a (mystream). That looks like a uri you are using doesn’t contain the camera name.

MY Procedure to get wyze Cam v3 to do RTSP without firmware.

This is for Windows 10 users.
Install WSL, Git-GUI, Git-bash, a version of Linux, python and Docker.
Use Git-GUI to Clone GitHub - mrlt8/docker-wyze-bridge: RTMP/RTSP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
Open Docker Desktop (witch should automatically contain Docker Compose)
Open the directory that you cloned the above, right click IN an open space of that directory and use the context menu to open Git-Bash
On the Git-Bash command line execute the “docker-compose up” command
In the Git-Bash window you should see the NAMES you gave to all you cameras in the Wyze phone app enumerated, then a bunch of compilation lines
This is as far as I have come, so far.
I believe that you can use the Docker Desktop clickable icons on the right side to open a browser with the URL http://localhost:1935, which I assume should show your camera video, but I have not seen this yet.
I have tried to open VLC with the Network Stream using “vlc rtsp://localhost:8554/mystream”, but that doesn’t work for me maybe due to the error 71 in my Git-Bash complication window pictured above, which I do not have an answer.

My three cameras, 2xv2 and 1xv3 enumerated at the beginning, so I know they are accessed. the “mystream” part issue is what I assume to be already written into the Doctor container at GitHub - mrlt8/docker-wyze-bridge: RTMP/RTSP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container. If not then ?

UPDATE: I docker-compose up and get this:

Dont forget if your stream “mystream” is example “front yard” the url has to be lower case with a dash in it. It would be /front-yard

So, your rtsp uri would be: rtsp://rtsp-server:8554/eastv2

Is this what you are entering into your nvr / vlc?

Also, are these V2 cameras or V3 cameras? Does docker-wyze-bridge support V2 cameras?

I created a little walk-along video on installing docker, docker-compose and docker-wyze-bridge on Raspberry Pi computer. The last portion of video deals specifically with the various docker installs:

Not really a tutorial since I make a number of mistakes myself, but hopefully could help someone along with this process: How to install Docker Wyze Bridge on Raspberry Pi - YouTube

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This method Supports v2 and v3. My v2s are running RTSP Firmware. After watching your video on Linux (know nothing of it) My missing clue was the “rtsp-server” IP address…DUH its my Windows computer IP address. Put into VLC and bingo. I did not do things your way on a Linux pi box but I did manage to get er done on Windows 10. Now for the final of trying to put all these into iSpy Pro. Will update later with a concise Windows procedure. Thanks sysop for your help. After further testing, the v3 is awful, slow and hardly show anything but massive pixelation. The V2s jump right up in VLC with perfect resolution.

Hi all, just came across the package you guys mentioned. Happy to see that there are some possibilities to get streams from V3 cams outside of the app :slight_smile:

The Wyze bridge seems to be working as i get the following:

    today at 2:30:18 PM STARTING ALL 2 CAMERAS
    today at 2:30:18 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:18 [Lieke] Starting WyzeCam V3 (WYZE_CAKP2JFUS) on
    today at 2:30:18 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:18 [David] Starting WyzeCam V2 (WYZEC1-JZ) on
    today at 2:30:48 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:48 [David] Output #0, flv, to 'rtmp://rtsp-server:1935/david':

However, i am not able to open any stream in VLC or the browser. I get these errors on the RTPS server log:

* today at 2:30:07 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:07 I [0/0] rtsp-simple-server v0.16.3
* today at 2:30:07 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:07 I [0/0] [RTSP] TCP listener opened on :8554
* today at 2:30:07 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:07 I [0/0] [RTMP] listener opened on :1935
* today at 2:30:07 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:07 I [0/0] [HLS] listener opened on :8888
* today at 2:30:38 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:38 I [0/0] [HLS] [conn] GET /david
* today at 2:30:38 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:38 I [0/0] [HLS] [conn] GET /david/
* today at 2:30:38 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:38 I [0/0] [HLS] [converter david] opened
* today at 2:30:38 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:38 I [0/0] [HLS] [converter david] ERR: no one is publishing to path 'david'
* today at 2:30:38 PM 2021/07/03 12:30:38 I [0/0] [HLS] [converter david] closed

Just see that there is an output line now on the Wyze_bridge log, that took a while. However, streams are not working for both cameras. Hope that somebody can help me

After few restarts and adding network its working for the V3 cam, not for the V2. I have the RTSP firmware on the V2, should i flash the one without?

The method of using a container doesn’t support if you have two factor authentication on your wyze account, does it? Fails for me.

I have two v2 running RTSP firmware and they absolutely jump open on command in VLC with high resolution and no ghosting or pixelation. My v3, on the other hand is awful. After VLC command, it takes up to 2 minutes to appear, then any motion causes ghosting… When I added my v3 to the wyze phone app, I immediately noticed a LONG DELAY only when accessing the v3, even though one v2 and the v3 are wified to the same AP only 12 feet away in the same room. I am going to return my v3s and get something else, they are a failure. When v3 display shows in VLC, the time stamp in the lower right cornr advances in 2 to 3 second intervals. The v2s elapse by the one second interval. Even when setting the V3 resolution to 360 and stopping micro sd recording, it does not improve the v3 video display.

I have some Amcrest cameras along side a V3 and a Doorbell and they are all under 500ms in any NVR that uses ffmpeg (Frigate or Shinobi for example). VLC just does a lot of buffering.

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Wyze Cam v3 RTSP output setup procedure for WINDOWS ONLY. Not for use on any windows computer with less than 8gb memory.

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HELP…anyone know the Shinobi full Stream URL to get Wzye Cam v3 video working in Shinobi NVR windows browser app when the camera is sending rtsp thru GitHub - mrlt8/docker-wyze-bridge: RTMP/RTSP/LL-HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container ?

Installing Shinobi for docker easy one line command in Linux terminal

docker run -d --name=‘Shinobi’ -p ‘8080:8080/tcp’ -v “/dev/shm/Shinobi/streams”:‘/dev/shm/streams’:‘rw’ -v “$HOME/Shinobi/config”:‘/config’:‘rw’ -v “$HOME/Shinobi/customAutoLoad”:‘/home/Shinobi/libs/customAutoLoad’:‘rw’ -v “$HOME/Shinobi/database”:‘/var/lib/mysql’:‘rw’ -v “$HOME/Shinobi/videos”:‘/home/Shinobi/videos’:‘rw’ -v “$HOME/Shinobi/plugins”:‘/home/Shinobi/plugins’:‘rw’ -v ‘/etc/localtime’:‘/etc/localtime’:‘ro’ shinobisystems/shinobi:dev

get the directory set first

I got the docker-wyze-bridge container working with rtsp-stream under docker on my Synology. So far it works great, and for the first time I have nearly 0 lag into my HASS instance. If anyone attempts on a Synology, I had to delete the network in the docker-compose yml, create my own under Docker, and link both containers to the new network once the containers were built. Once I got through that little snafu it has been smooth sailing.

I will likely still move to RTSP once the firmware is finished, but this is a fantastic workaround and even works with my 4 v2 cameras at another property.

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Hi, @jkmonroe! Do you have any instructions or tips for getting the docker-wyze-bridge container installed on a Synology? I just started to look into this, and I’m only finding Windows-based instructions for some reason. Thanks for any info!

I have no idea if this would help but can you try a frame rate of like three or four