RIP: Off-line recording

Some clarification? Well, perhaps.
Frankly, I think that article needs a complete re-write, by someone who actually tests the use case described and understands the limitations of the camera.

The article says:

To view your recorded footage, you can … remove the microSD card from your Wyze Cam to view the raw video files (mp4 format) on a computer. When you return the microSD card to your Wyze Cam, it will resume continuous recording.

This might encourage the Wyze Customer to pull the SDcard while the camera is still powered up at the remote location. That’s generally not advisable. Memory cards can be corrupted if the power vanishes while memory operations are underway. For example, if the camera is configured for continuous recording.

The current Wyze app has a button to Eject SD Card (under Advanced/Local Storage) which presumably enables safe removal from a powered camera. However, if one is off-line at a remote location with no internet (the point of entire article), the app is unable to access the camera, so one can’t click the EJECT button.

If the wise Wyze user powers down the camera to safely remove the SDcard, views the raw video files on a computer (as suggested by @WyzeTanvi), reinserts the card, and then powers the camera back on, it will not resume continuous recording. It won’t boot up properly since it has no internet connection at the off-line location.