Remove Banner

Please give the option to remove the banner that you have at the bottom of the home screen. Yes I know it floats but it covers cameras and such making it more difficult to get to items and it provides no useful purpose except to annoy me

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Are you talking about the selection for “Home, Events, Monitoring, Shop, and Account” or something else? I’m confused because there is nothing else there and that does not float (at least by my definition).


If you are talking about the icon to allow you to submit logs to Wyze, the one you can move around the screen, then you can remove it from the screen.

  • Start the Wyze App
  • Goto Account
  • Tap on App Settings
  • The Deselect the Submit Log Button at the bottom


That’s not it, looks like it was removed, it was super annoying.

It was removed as the prod app is out and no longer in beta


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