@jeff007 there still isn’t a “pull to refresh all thumbnails” option though with the latest app. You should request that feature in the wishlist section.
This topic is still in #wishlist, so all you need to do is scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button.
Sorry! I meant the simultaneous streaming that was in discussion right before I posted. I’ll clarify my post and definitely see where I needed to be more clear. My apologies for the confusion.
Thats okay Gwendolyn, I figured it out right after my post by checking the app store for updates on my phone. I should have posted an update. Thank you for being such good moderators, all of you!
One could perhaps open the dialogue that refreshing of thumbnails might now be an obsolete request with the multi-view camera feature now available. Or at least not nearly as critical as before for some people.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding! I definitely feel sheepish about being misleading and this was a great reminder that I need to pay more attention to my posts and where I’m posting them.
I think that is an interesting dialogue. I hadn’t thought about that impact of simultaneous streaming but it definitely makes sense. I could still see this being useful for people but you’re right that it’s not as much of an issue now.
Yes, agreed. Useful feature but most people will likely end up using the multi-view camera feature instead of looking at still images.
At this point I think it would be more useful for people with limited bandwidth or time.
Yes, great point. Limited bandwidth makes it much more useful of a request. A side item = I hope your team likes my dog/roomba video.
You sent us a dog/roomba video?! I’m already excited about it! Thanks, jeff007!
Yes, I sent it today. I hope it gets picked. Laterz
You could post it in #captured-on-wyze so everybody could see it right away!
Ok, thanks. I did not know about that but I did send it to the wow email address.
Multi-streaming doesn’t address the need for updating thumbnails. In addition to the bandwidth issue (think traveling overseas!) there is the remaining problem that the thumbnails are so out of date they are actually misleading.
I would like the option just to update the screen home image with an up to date snapshot. This way I can see if there are any quick changes and should load faster? Thoughts?
Same as many above. I don’t need/want streaming in the thumbnail. A simple pull down or tap to refresh the thumbnail from the home screen of the app would be perfect.
On the main app page, when you pull / swipe down, each of the camera thumbnails would do an instant refresh to the current view.
Fast way to see all the latest cam views.
Really love what the Wyze team and community are building together!
I would vote for manual refresh of all camera previews initiated by the user, by perhaps pulling down (similar to the gesture in a web browser).
I use Arlo outdoors (but hoping to transfer to Wyze soon). What I do like about the Arlo app, is that if new motion or sound is detected, and a clip is recorded, it updates the homescreen with a shot from the latest recorded clip.
This is especially helpful for cams that you do not wish to receive constant notifications from. For example, if I’m at work, I can quickly see where my dog is in the home, or if a car pulled into my driveway. If the image makes me curious, I can then go into the clips to review the footage.
It’s troublesome to me to have to go into the clips to review them before the thumbnail is updated.
As a long time Dropcam—>Nestcam—>GoogleCam user who just decided to switch after their status light shenanigans, I’m now a fan of Wyze Cam. However, I miss the updated thumbnails on the device view. It would be awesome to have a refresh trigger every minute the app is active on the device view and on refresh so you can quickly ascertain the status of several cameras. A status indicator if the camera is off would be nice to as previously noted by another user.
You can tell if the camera is off from the main home screen. However, I don’t think it can detect multiple camera statuses if your camera is in a group. I’ll have to check on that.