Reduce the minimum temp on Wyze thermostat from 10'C to 6'C

Can we please reduce the minimum temp on Wyze thermostat from 10’C to 6’C. There are various use cases (like my garage) where I don’t need it to be 10’C all the time.

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @yurkovich! :raising_hand_man:

If you would like to request that Wyze add this feature, that is handled thru a new topic post in the Wishlist. Go to the Wishlist, search the topics for one that matches your request. If you find one, vote for it at the top, like :heart: some posts, and add your reply post to support the request. If you do not find a match, submit a new topic for approval.

In your search, you may find that Wyze Thermostat: Lower the minimum temperature setting limit (currently 50F) meets your request criteria.