I know this has been requested before, HOWEVER, the request was made in March of 2018, received exactly one response from a Wyze team member (also in March 2018, has 58 subsequent requests (the most recent only 20 days ago), so it appears to have zero traction. Out of sight out of mind, perhaps.
For my purposes, I am doing a complete 2021 capture. Started at midnight Jan 1, and I intend to go all the way to the end of the year. While it’s a pain to have a 28 day day maximum recording time, it’s even more of a pain to have to be present at exactly the moment the time lapse ends, in order to start the next one. Surely it can’t be that difficult to schedule a new time lapse to begin right after the last one ends, right?
Again, I know this has been requested. But with no comments from a team member in almost 3 years, seemed like a good time to revisit the subject.
And, of course, some moderator moved my new post to this existing one, making it all the more likely that nobody that matters will look at it. Come on Wyze, it’s time to get re-involved with your supporters and address existing issues. Even an official comment of “it’s too difficult, we can’t do it, sorry” is better than just ignoring everybody.
Now don’t even get me started on the whole Wyze lock Google Home thing…
Would like to be able to do time-lapse on a cam 3 for just the same time(s) every day. Say record at 3:00 am to 4:00 am every day every three seconds or whatever length. Thanks
Stay Healthy
Set the time lapse for the month that you would like to record (or fewer days as you like), along with the interval.
Set a rule to turn the camera on with 3 AM as the Start time, and 4 AM as the Stop time.
Done. Power the camera off through the app, and it should come on at the next Start time event, and then off, on, off … etc. The time lapse will continue until the time lapse schedule runs out, or until you manually stop the time lapse through the app. Do not pull the card while the camera is off until the time lapse has ended or has been stopped.
I’ve been using this technique for a long time with success. What is disappointing is that one cannot set the trigger times based on sunrise/sunset, so I use external power control for that. However, the time lapse continues just fine.
I’ve been trying to run a week-long time lapse of our garden at 1 min intervals on a WOC. This has worked reasonably well. I then tried to set up a rule to start the camera at 6:00am and run until 9:00pm to eliminate the dark periods in the time lapse. From what others have posted, this should have worked, In my case, the schedule rule works perfectly, but the time lapse fails to restart in the morning when the camera comes back on.
All my firmware is up to date!
Is this behaviour peculiar to the Wyze Outdoor Cam, or am I doing something wrong? Thoughts and suggestions welcome!
I don’t have any Wyze Outdoor Cams, so perhaps that is the case. Perhaps since the Outdoor cam is battery powered, the logic is different for power off. On the v2, power off by camera timer or by external power removal (I use some smart-ish switches) yields the same result and the time-lapse resumes upon restart.
It would be awesome if we could have a feature that lets us schedule a certain camera (including the WCO) to automatically record a timelapse every day in conjunction with the new sunrise/sunset rules that are apparently coming.
This can be used to automatically record a timelapse as the sun starts setting, would be very nice especially with V3’s starlight sensor and the automation part would make this awesome cuz would not have to worry about anything once its setup.
I have been on the BETA program for a while, and have now disabled my switch timers in favor of the Sunrise/Sunset timing availble directly in the Wyze app. My Wemo switches became unreliable, so for a brief period I was using a Google Home routine (now that it has this sunrise/sunset option) which worked well, as well is a Home Assistant control for a period of time (still with the Wemo switches, just other logic rather than the unreliable Wemo app).
While I have not yet tried the time-lapse under this scenario, I have now started one (will end Sunday night) to see how this works. The end time is post-sunset, but if it is anything like other power-off/power-on behavior, I expect it will work fine.
Upon re-reading your comment, I see that your desire is (I believe) camera on, but initiate a time-lapse at a certain time of day (sunrise or sunset). That is an interesting idea, repeated time-lapse within a period of normal operation, but repeating daily (for some number of days).
Very true. They are just racing to introduce new product lineup with zero support for the existing ones! I am not going to buy from Wyze anything anymore. Even no service for their flagship vacuum robot!
I wanted to ask if anyone has tried setting a timelapse along with the daily turn on/turn off feature. Seems to me this would wake the camera, record the timelapse for the day and then shut down at the end of the day, rinse & repeat ad nauseum? That would be perfect. I’m going to test it but wanted to know if any experienced users know. I just got my cameras an hour ago.
I have seen comments above in the thread that say turning the camera off and on works with time lapse, while for others, it doesn’t work.
There is enough obfuscation in the Wyze camera rules/settings/time lapse as is. The interactions maybe straightforward for developers and people who devote their life to the workings of these cameras, but for normal users, the side effects can be confusing.
Wyze needs to just develop a decent time lapse dashboard to allow control of multiple time lapse settings for multiple cameras.
It would seem that the current released version of the app has the sunrise/sunset options for control. I have verfied this on my non-Beta testing device (iPad) with v2.24.52.
I also did try a time lapse last weekend on a camera using the sunrise/sunset on/off timing, and it worked well. The time lapse does only allow one setting at this time, so I now have a file of a few days, starting a bit before sunrise, and ending a bit after sunset, all together in one recording.
Yes, this works. I used to use external power for this method, but now Wyze has added sunrise/sunset in the rules options. Both ways work (powering down/up through the Wyze control, or external power off/on) and the time lapse simply resumes upon power up. I have not tried starting or stopping the time lapse during the off period, so not sure how that logic would pan out.
Would be nice to schedule all devices on an open schedule like a appointments on a calendar app. click day on month view of calendar; add device, start time, end time, recurrence, Would love to see a desktop app so I could see the whole daily, weekly. or monthly view laid out. Filters to display all, daily weekly, or monthly recurrences.
As a WyzeCam user, I would like to be able to schedule a recurring timelapse to occur of a selected period of days, weeks, months, etc.
For example, I have a project where I have set up a camera to record the time-lapse of a home renovation. I don’t need to record during the night, so currently I have to go in and start the time-lapse each day for a 10 hour period, then go back in the very next day and set it all over again. It would be great to set it once and forget about it.
If you set a time lapse, and also set an On/Off rule, the time-lapse will carry on every day during that ON time. The only real downside is that the time-lapse cannot go for more than one-month, so on that front you will have to set up the time-lapse monthly.
I have done this successfully with the recent sunrise/sunset capability in the rules, in order to record time-lapse in daylight. Previously (before Wyze added that capability) I had an external device powering off after sunset, and back on before sunset. Now I can just set time-lapse, and it only records the daylight events.