Before you update your cameras firmware, can you check if it works using only the new beta android app (2.17.31)?
That worked for me, but it would be nice to have more data points.
Update on my end on SD reading issue of one of my v3. From my reply to service rep. they will send me new cam once its back in stock. Hopefully that was just a hardware issue.
Actually I just updated my firmware to and I’m now able to record video from playback*.
I believe it’s just the beta version because I now have the send log file icon showing on the firmware update page.
Great (not)!
*Edit: Records video from playback only with my S10 phone. Still is not functional with my Galaxy Tab A.
Wyze now obviously expects its customers to become unpaid beta testers for its rushed to market ill-functioning products encountered after release.
This was a major functionality issue and not just a “minor bug”!
I bought my (3) v3 cameras based partly on Wyzes’ claim that these camera’s would (like the V2 cam) record video from playback. Well we now know this was not the case for many new v3 cam owners and Wyze knew this!
Although crappy Wyze products and a crappy support experience has left a bad taste in my mouth, I’d like to finish off by saying the Wyze community being most always helpful has now morphed into a better option than using Wyze for product support.
Thanks for your update. I’m anxiously waiting the next firmware and app release! I’m still saying “no” to becoming a beta member and am doing my best to resist the temptation. So far my willpower has held together.
I agree - they are ignoring RMAs and make it near impossible to send direct questions. Always that stupid question helper thing comes up. I guess they’ll make good target practice for my 30-06 I plan on taking up to PA, worst case lol
That’s important. Doesn’t work with either of my Tab A’s nor my Samsung A20 after upgrading them to the latest and greatest app version and F/W.
Since so far it’s only 1 V3 cam out of 7 I can’t justify upgrading my phone to an S10
I updated my defective v3 camera with the firmware that was released today v4.36.0.252. I then formatted the microSD card via the WYZE app. I then did a force stop on the WYZE app via my android app settings. I then tried to record from playback and ended up with the exact same 0:00 clip.
In other words, the latest firmware did not fix the issue with my defective camera.
What app version?
That firmware + version 2.17.31 of app (beta) resolved. Also fixed all the live streaming issues I was having.
Seems like the issue was with Android app, not firmware.
new firmware didn’t fix mine either, waiting for the updated app, not the beta version…
If you can read back in the thread you’ll see that
They are both Android.
Yeah I agree and am very hopeful that the new app will indeed fix this issue based on what others have reported. I know the new app is available to beta users, but I’m not a beta user and have no plans to become one. I’m finding plenty of bugs in the production application and various firmware. There isn’t enough time in a day for me to debug/test beta apps and firmware as well.
Sorry to hear the firmware update didn’t fix the issue with your V3.
I just updated my V3 firmware to v4.36.0.252. The camera that had the problem now works! I can manually record clips while playing back from the micro SD card. Success.
My Wyze beta app is v2.17.31 running on a Samsung phone using Android 10.
From what I’ve heard from others, the current fix is the beta Android application. I’m not a member of the WYZE beta team and only use general released firmware and software.
I have been finding plenty of bugs in the officially released versions and honestly have no interest in becoming (what I consider) an alpha release tester. In my opinion, the officially released versions seem like beta releases as it is.
My firmware is *.252 also - doesn’t work.
Bad news everyone. My v3 cam that had been recording from playback suddenly won’t record from playback either. This is extremely frustrating to say the least!
The last time I recorded playback with this cam was around 8:30pm CDT 2/17/2021. This was several hours after the recent firmware upgrade was installed. Yesterday I powered the cam off by removing the power cord from the USB adapter for about 30 minutes because I’ve been having some strange color issues since the firmware upgrade and figured I would give a lengthy power cycle a shot. I then powered it on again by plugging the power cord back into the USB adapter. Now this evening I am unable to record from playback!
The only thing that happened between the ability to record from playback and the sudden inability is the fact that I removed power from the device for 30 minutes and then reapplied power. I’m not happy about the situation at all. Hopefully the replacement cam that was supposed to be here days ago is sitting in my mailbox. (I suspect it is taking much longer to get here due to the crazy weather?)
I know you don’t want to try the beta version of the app, but what can it hurt to install it temporarily just to see if it fixes this issue? At least then you will know whether the problem is the hardware, fw, or app. You can always go back to the release version of the app.
All of my v3s are still working, but I am using the beta version of the app.
Well apparently if I want my damn cameras to work I have to use the beta application. Both of my v3 cams are now recording from playback using the Android beta application. I noticed that this application download is around 20MB whereas the full release is around a 75MB download. Is the beta download simply a patch to the production app? That would certainly explain the large size difference.
This is a work around, but certainly not the long term fix. I can’t help but wonder what functionality I just gave up in order to have playback functioning on my v3’s? What kind of security vulnerabilities did I just open myself up to by running this beta app?
What a huge pain in my butt! This record from playback via an Android device for a v3 has been an ongoing issue since the v3 shipped. It was first reported by someone else back in December of 2020. This is MAJOR functionality that people need and use on a regular basis!
What the heck is going on WYZE and why are we still waiting for this to be resolved in the production version of the application? I have been extremely civil and patient, but I am truly at the end of my line with this ongoing issue!
Definitely an app issue! Wyze knows its an app issue, and they’ve been putting off (stalling) RMA return requests because there’s nothing to fix. The camera (hardware) is fine.
I just installed (2) brand new v3 cams and they still have the same playback issues even running the latest firmware.
I have had to resort to running the beta app on my tablet to have the advertized playback recording functionality and run the corrupt app on my phone.
You can use the beta version without being a tester (sending log files) but totally agree with you that you shouldn’t need to and about Wyzes poor customer response regarding problem.
Do like I did and leave a rating for the WYZE app in App Store to express how you feel. The app developers always welcome customer feedback!!!
Remember save all your customer sevice emails!
For me step 2 starts next week.
My 3) V3’s are doing the same thing. They worked fine up until 1/16 and the latest software does not fix my problem. My 3) V2’s record fine in Playback mode.
Opened ticket on 2/2 and one response that Support is busy, thanks!
Running on Galaxy S10.
Good morning Sturoid:
Within the app, if you go to Account | About, what is the version number displayed below the WYZE logo? In order for recording from playback to function, it must be version 2.17.31. Which is the current beta app version for Android.