Recording continuously or events only Automation/Rule

I would love to see the option for a rule to change how recording to a SD determined, especially with the Wyze Battery Cam Pro. For example, at sunset, change from continuous recording to events only recording, This will preserve battery life. Typically, at night, events are triggered because of movement that is more distinguishable due to the low light and ease to identify movement. During the day, events are sometimes missed due to the brighter surroundings, especially small movements.


I was looking to see if there was a way to automate the change in SD card recording.

If anyone knows of an easy way, please let me know.

I have four cameras inside a Donut Booth at the Minnesota State Fair and I have to manually go deep into each camera to change the recording mode to conserve SD card space. Deep in and lots of presses back for each camera.

Please allow me to automate recording mode and PLEASE provide a quick link back to Camera Group Home.

I’m not aware of a way to do that, but such an Action has been requested in this Wishlist topic:

This makes me think of something else I’d like to see: “smart” settings for Device Groups, so I’m adding it to a separate Wishlist topic for the new app:

If you haven’t already done so, then you might want to visit those :point_up: topics to Vote and add your comments/ideas.

On a stick? :wink: So much food there, and then I let someone talk me into the Tilt-A-Whirl for the first (and last!) time. :nauseated_face:

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What’s your location? I’ll have to support when I visit in a few days. :yum:


I don’t think a camera would do well on the tilt-a-whirl.

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I wouldn’t recommend that. I don’t think I did well on the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Never again. Oof.

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