Hello guys!
Fist of all, would like to congratule Wyze and the community for the great work here! I am a Home Assistant user and I am truly amazed to find a similar community of enthusiasts willing to help each other. Amazing.
Here is my question: Is it possible to use the new beta firmware with RTSP on Home Assistant with a lossless/raw copy of the stream?
I have my Hassio running a Raspberry Pi3B, very week machine for image processing, I wonder if it is possible to create copy stream, maybe using FFMPEG, so there is no need for heavy processing on the Pi?
This is my current config:
- platform: ffmpeg
name: "My camera"
input: rtsp://mycam:test@
I can get the images but with a heavy load on the CPU…
The best I could achieve is to set up Shinobi and enable the MP4 stream and relay it to HA. Since the camera can record and send notifications (maybe I’ll use IFTTT integration), there is no real need for a a NVR on my network just for that.
I’ve tried many combinations of arguments using FFMPEG with no luck.
I’ve tried:
-i rtsp://username:password@xx.xx.xx.xx/live -vframes 1 -r 1
-re -i rtsp://username:password@x.x.x.x/live
The next step would be to use the new stream component to show it on a TV screen.
Have any of you achieved that?